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sencia, nobilis vir, Edmundus de Haya, quandam literam in pergameno scriptam, san-
am et integram, omni vicio et suspicione carentem, vt prima facie apparuit, duobus
sigillis in rubea cera alba impressa sigillatam, michi notario subscripto tradidit per-
legendam et in formam publicam redigendam, cuius tenor in wlgari sequitur in hiis
verbis : Be it kenyt till all men be thir present lettres, vs, Archibald of Douglas of
Caueryse, knycht, and Mchole of Ruthirfurde of Grubet, sqwyar, twa of the sum-
missionaris cliosyn betwen a gret and a mychty Lord, scliir James of Douglas, Erll
of Angus, Lord of Leddailldail and Jedwort-Forest, and "Warden of the est Marclie
of Scotlande foranent Inglande, on the ta part, and a worthy man schir Alexander
of Home, Lord of Dunglas, knycht on the tothir part, as toucheand the debatis of
the landis of Prestoun and Lyntlawis, with the pertinentis, lyande in the baronry of
Bonkill, within the schirafdome of Berwik, the quhilk the said schir Alexander
claymit throw a gift, a charter therapoun and sesyn folouande, maid till him be
vmquhill a michty Lord, schir Wilyhame of Douglas, quham God assoilyhe, fader
to the forsaid Erll of Angus that now is ; of the quhilk debatis and clayme for-
nemmit lik as is contenit in endenturis maid be consent of the forsaid partyis, we
ripely and weil avisit, considerande the resouns and lawis proponit and giffyn in
be the forsaid partyis, declaris, decernis and pronuncis the forsaid schir Alexander
of Home till haue na richt to the forsaid landis of Prestoun and Lyntlawis with
the pertinentis, na his clayme to be of na valou as toucheande the debatis and
claymis the quhilkis the said endenturis proportis, bot to remayn peseabilly with
the said Lord Erll of Angus, without ony obstacle or demaunde. And this we
gif for our decret in the forsaid materis. In the witnes of the quhilk thing, we
the forsaid Archibald and Nichole to thir present lettres has hungyn our seillis at
Jedworth, the xxvii day of the moneth [of] Februar, the yher of our Lord M.cccc
thretty and nyne yheris. Post cuiusquidem litere perlecturam, prefatus Edmundus
de Haya, per me notarium publicum subscriptum sibi fieri peciit publicum instru-
mentum. Acta fuerunt hec in castro de Edynburgh, hora quasi nona ante meridiem,
sub anno, indictione, die, mense, et pontificate quibus supra; presentibus ibidem
nobilibus viris, videlicet, Johanne Broun domino de Hertre, Gylberto de Haya de
Mynzet, Thoma Andree de Threplande, Patricio Adamsoun et Gilberto Huchonsoun,
cum multis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.
Et ego Henricus Malvile capellanus, magister in artibus, Sanctiandree
diocesis, publicus auctoritate imperiali notarius, predictas literas vidi,
[etc., in forma communi].

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