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cium debitum et consuetum : In cuius rei testimonium, presenti carte sigillnm
nostrum est appensum, vnacum sigillo Isabelle, coniugis nostre supradicte, apud
castrum de Kyndromy, decimo nono die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo
quadringentesimo : Acta et petita erant hec in manerio de Bageby, bora quasi
decima, anno, die, mense, indiccione et pontificatu quibus supra; presentibus,
nobilibus viris, domino Jobanne de Setoun, filio et herede domiui de Setoun,
domino Willelmo de Sancto Claro, domino de Hirdmanstoun, domino Willelmo
Broun, rectore ecclesie de Hvtoun, Willelmo de Spens, et Thoma de Foresta, cum
multis aliis ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.
Et ego Johannes de Cocburn, clericus, publicus imperiali auctoritate notarius
Sanctiandree diocecis, omnibus et singulis [etc., in forma communi].
52. Indenture betwixt Henry the Fourth, King of England, and
Archibald Earl of Douglas, as to the conditions on which the latter
was to return to Scotland. 14th March 1407.
This endenture maad betwix the hye and myghty Prynce, Harri by the grace of
God Kyng of Engelond, on the oon partie, and Archibald eerl of Douglas of Scot-
land, his prisoner, on the othir partie, witnesshith that the forsaid Kyng is assentid
and accorded that the forsaid eerl shal go hoom into Scotland, and entre agayn in
to the castel of Dereham, into warde of Johan of Lancastre, the Kynge's sone
forsayd, withoute fraude or mal engin, at the ende of threttene woukes aftir the
day of his departyng by leeue and ordenance of the forsaid Jon, vpon certein
hostages and condicions fohvyng ; that is for to seye, this houstages, Archibald
Douglas, sone and heir to the forsaid Eerl, and James his brothir, James sone and
heir of sir James of Douglas, lord of Dalketh, sir Johan of Mountgomery, lord
of Arderson, sir Johan of Seton, sone and heir of the lord of Seton, sir William
of Douglas, lord of Drumlangryk, sir William Seint Clere, lord of Herdmanston,
sir Symound of Glendonwyn, the sone and heir of sir Adam Glendonwyn, sir Johan
Herys, lord of Tirregles, sir William de Hay, sir Herberd Maxwell, sir William
Borthwyk, knyghtes of Scotland : And touchande the condicions ; if the forsaid
eerl entre agayn his body in to the forsaid castel of Dereham, into the warde of
the forsaid Jon, in the manere forsaid, thanne the forsaide hostages shal freely be
deliuered and haue sauf conduyt of the forsaid Kyng, othir of his sone, the Prince,
othir of the forsaid Jon, to passe into Scotland by see, othir by lande, whethir
thaym likith, in the maner folwande : In the firste, til haue a sauf conduyt of the
Kyng, or any of his sones forsaid, for all maner of causes, actions, and demandes of

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