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82. Indenture between George, fourth Earl of Angus, Lord of Ledaillisdale and
Jedworth Forest, and warden of the East Marches, and Sir Archibald of
Douglas of Cavers, knight, Sheriff of Roxburgh, and William of Douglas
his son and heir, whereby the Earl appoints the said Sir Archibald and
William his son to be keepers of his castle of the Hermitage, in the lordship
of Ledalle and shire of Roxburgh, with the bailiery of the lands of Ledalle,
during the said Sir Archibald's lifetime, and assigns for the keeping of the
said castle the lands of the Quhitefelde, the tofts and the park lying in
the lordship of Liddesdale, near about the said castle, under the conditions
therein stated. Temptaloun, 24th May 1 452,
83. Charter by King James the Second, granting to George, fourth Earl of Angus,
warden of the East Marches, fur the singular affection and favour his
Majesty bore to the said Earl, and for the grateful service rendered and
to be rendered by the latter, the Castle of Temptaloune, with the lands
belonging thereto ; also the lands of Castiltoune, Bondingtoune, Farnyl-
toun, and lands called Halfpleuland, lying near the said castle, which
lands were by the charter erected into the free barony of Temptaloune :
To be held by the said George, Earl of Angus, and his heirs, of the
King and his successors, in fee and heritage for ever, for rendering
yearly the services due and wont. Given under the Great Seal, at Edin-
burgh, 30th June 1452,
84. Letters, under the Great Seal, by King James the Second, granting per-
mission to George, fourth Earl of Angus, warden of the East Marches, to
build a castle or fortalice in his chief messuage of the earldom of Angus,
on the rock commonly called the Rock of Bruchty, lying in the said
earldom, within the shire of Forfar, and to surround it with walls and
ditches, and fortify it with iron gates, and with defensive erections on the
battlements ; and debarring his Majesty's lieges and subjects from offering
any obstacle to the said Earl or his servants while building the said
castle. Edinburgh, 20th January 1454, 81
85. Charter by King James the Second to William, Earl of Orkney, Lord Sinclair,
Chancellor of Scotland, in compensation for his claim of right to the
lordship of Nithsdale, the office of keeper of the Marches of the said
lordship, and offices of Sheriff of Dumfries, and Justiciar and Chamber-

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