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Royal Grant by King Charles I. 1
A.D. 1625.
De Concessione speciali Jacobo Cleghorne — aliis assedis Domini
Regis —
Charles, by the Grace of God, &c.
To all to whome these Presentes shall come, Greeting.
Whereas Wee are given to understand that Our Gentlemen
Ushers Quarter Waiters by reason of the smallness of theire En-
tertaynements, incidente to theire Places, allowed unto them by Our
most noble Predecessor, at the firste Institution thereof, and never
sithence augmented, and the frequente Service they are perpetuallie
subjecte unto, are not equall unto any other our Servauntes of that
Ran eke ;
And whereas James Cleghorn, Humphreye Dethicke, Alexander
Dunfithe, Andrew Pitcairne, Edward Ellis, Ambros Wheeler,
Frauncis Baxter and John Leeche, Our Gentlemen Ushers Quarter
Waiters, have become humble Suitors unto Us, that We would be
graciously pleased to double their Fees, which auncientlie they have
enjoyed, for Creations & other Degrees of Honour, by Us graunted
or to be graunted for the Creation of any Prince, Duke, Marquess,
Earle, Viscounte, Baron, Bishoppe, or Knighte ;
And whereas We have accordinglie received Certificate from Our
righte trustye and right welbeloved Cozen and Councellor, William
Earl of Pembrooke Lord Chamberleyne of Our Householde, that
the Entertaynementes of Our said Servauntes or Gentlemen Ushers
Quarter Wayters are lesser and shorter than any of our Servauntes
of theire Rancke and Qualitie, & that they are subjecte to contyn-
uall Service and Attendance ;
Knowe yee therefore that Wee, For and in Consideration of
the good acceptable and faithful Service heretofore done to us, and
to Our late deere and royall Father of ever blessed Memory de-
ceased, by them the said James Cleghorne, Humphrye Dethicke,
Alexander Dunfithe, Andrew Pitcarne, Edward Ellis, Ambrose
Wheeler, Frauncis Baxter, and John Leeche, and for the better
Advauncement of our Service, and for divers other good Causes and
Considerations Us hereunto especiallie moving, of Our especiale
Grace, certeyne Knowledge and meere Motion —
Have given and graunted, and by these Presents, for Us Our
Heires and Successors, doe give and graunte unto the said James
Clegorne, Humphrye Dethicke, Alexander Dunfithe, Ambrose
Wheeler, Frauncis Baxter, and John Leech, that they, the said James
Clegorne, Humphrye Dethicke, Alexander Dunfithe, Andrew
1 Foedera, vol. viii. p. 10, n. 14.

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