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haif maid provocatioun by armes and utherwayis to us to revenge
thir attemptatis and seik amends the best we may befoir thay pro-
ceid to forder interpryssis in prejudice of the king and to our
All this we pray you declair unto the Quenis Majestie, lettand
hir hienes vnderstand quhat greit harme we daylie sustene under
this abstinence, quhilk we not onlie agreeit unto at her hienes
desyre, bot als to the suspensioun of the parliament nochtwith-
standing the wechtie materis concernyng the kingis estait that wer
to be intreated therein, useand all the expeditioun that possiblie
we can, in dispatching of commissioners toward hir majestie for
hir forther satisfactioun in onything lying in us, not doubting bot
hir majestie will consider this dealling of our adversaries to be
purposlie used to stay hir order and resolution intendit and how
we upon thir provocatiouns and manifest injuries, haif just caus to
seik the revenge tharof the best way we may.
Albeit heirtofore we wrait unto you that the commissioneris suld
be thair agane Candilmes, zit sic hes bene the delay of the noble
mennis convening at the occasioun of the storme and tempestuous
wether, and sa wechtie the materis to be deliberat and quheirupone
thay mon cum instructed, the wether still thairwithal continevving
sa evill, and trauelling sa difficill that we traist it sail be about
Candilmes befoir thay can be abill to depairt frome this, off the
quhilk we thocht meit to gif you knawlege, that ye may excuse the
delay the best ye can.
Furthermore ze sail understand that the adversaries not onlie
attemptis thir murthuris and injureis aganis the effect of the ab-
stinence, Bot als perswadis all men that the twa quenis ar fullie
agreed, that we dar not pas in the west cuntrie nor resist ony of
thair interpryses as thocht we wer tyit in this toun, quhair indeid
we haif bene constranit to remane langar nor our meaning wes,
partlie by ressoun of our infirmitie, and partlie for the suspension
of the parliment, and dispatche of my lord of Morton, Swa as ye
may declair unto hir majestie, the greit wraik and skaith that we
daylie sustene under this abstinence quhilk we haif beene sa willing
heirtofore to observe at hir majesties motion and desyre.
And finalie we pray you to expeid the money for payment of
the meny weir how sone possiblie ze can, for swa is mister, con-
sidering the thingis ellis attemptit by the adversaries and thair
apperand preparation to work further mischief, we haif haid mekle
ado to stay our suddertis ane day efter this without payment at
leist of a moneths wageis in hand, and without difficultie hes per-
suadit thame for a verie schort tyme opone promise the same day
of half a monethis wageis quhilk we traist sail be hard anewch

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