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Name of Gordon

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to distinguish him from other portrait painters
ma,med Watson, then practising in Edinburgh.
The Watson Gordon professoiisihip of fine art was
instituted in Edinburgh in his honour in 1879.
WoLRKJE-GORDON.— Most people know that
the laird of Haillhead bead's the name of Wolrige-
(loi-doii; but few are aware that there was an
intermediate- stage between that amd his original
name of Wolrige. He first took the name of
(bndon-Wolrige as noted in the "Times" of
July 8. 1864: —
T, heretofore Henry Perkins Wolrige, of No.
15 Bern bridge Square, London, hereby giva
notice thai by reason of succession to an estate,
I intend on and after this 8th day of July 1861,
to discontinue the use of the name of Perkins
and to assume in place thereof the surname of
Gordon, and to use the same in all deeds and
writings and upon all occasions whatsoever.
Henry Gorden [sic] Wolrige.
(In March 17, 1873, Henry Gordon-Wolrige took
the name of Wol-rige-Gordon (Lyon Register, vol.
ix.). Mr Wolrige-Gordon's eldest eon bears the
name of Gordon-Gilmour.
Decem'ber 12, 1895, contained the following an-
nouncement: —
I, John Gordon Woodhouse, of No. 6 Upper
Brooke Street, Grosvenor Square, in the county
of Md'ddilesex, and Burg'hill, in the county of
Hereford, Esq., do hereby give notice that I
intend to assume, take, and use upon all occa-
sions the surname of Gordon- Woodhouse in
lieu of my present surname of Woodhouse; and
by tire name of John Gordon-Gordon-Woodhouse
[hyphened thus] to sign and execute all deeds,
assurances, and instruments, and generally to
use and bear the said name of John Gordon-
Gordon-Woodhouse accordingly. And I hereby
give notice that I have by deed poll enrolled,
or intended forthwith to be enrolled, in the
Gh an eery Division of Her Majesty's High Court
of Justice, authenticated my said intended
change of name. As witness my hand this 10th
day of December 1895.
J. G. Woodhouse.
Witness — H. P. G. James, 165 Fenchurch
Street, E.G., solicito!".

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