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Name of Gordon

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Gordon dunes Gordon; while Ann Gordon,
daughter of Hugh Gordon of Carroll and Lucy
Dunbar, married Colonel Gordon dunes. Mr
Donald dunes Gordon was in the Indian Civil
Service (1868-1897).
man family bearing this name. Dr Franz A. Th.
J. von Gordon-Coldwells of Laskowitz, Westphalia,
writing to me from 5 Rue Georgeville, Paris, says
that he is descended from John Gordon of Cold-
wells, Cruden, who emigrated to Germany in
1710. His grandson (grandfather of Dr Franz von
Gordon) prepared an account of his family an
1821 on the requisition of a magistrate.
CONWAY-GORDON.— This name is used by a
noted military family. It was founded by Cap-
tain William Conway, 58rd Bengal Native In-
fantry (died 1882). He assumed the name of
Gordon on August 13, 1839 (Lyon Register). He
got the estate of Lynewode Manor, Lincoln, from
Lady William Gordon, the widow of Lord
William Gordon, wno was the brother of Lord
George, the Rioter.
GORDON Y DE COSTA.— There is a well-
known doctor in Havana who bears the name of
Antonio Gordon y de Costa. He has written
a number of medical works — of course in Spanish
— -.vhie.h will be found described in the magnifi-
cent (American) " Surgeon-General's Catalogue."
A Cuban tells me that the doctor claims a Scots
descent. In the Additional M;S>S. at the British
Museum there are two letters written in 1762 by
George Gordon to " Mr Da Costa," Mincing Lane,
about an some sort of asbestos invention in which
Gordon was interested.
GORDON GRAIG.— The following announce-
ment appeared in the "Times" of February 24,
1893: —
I, Edward Henry Gordon Craig- [not hyphened!
of Barketone Gardens, South Kensington, actor,
hitherto known by the name of Edward Henry
Gordon Wardell, do hereby giv* notice that I
have assumed and take and henceforth intend
upon all occasions and at all times to bear, t-'gn,
and nse a>nd be called and known by the names
of Edward Gordon Craig and that such change
of name i£ formally declared and evidenced by

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