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Sir George ' for ane ring belonging to Ladie Marie Douglas spous to
Donald M'Donald, younger of Slait, having in it nyne diamonds, one in
ye middle longer than the rest.' This receipt is dated 1665. Sir George
has even preserved a receipt for the rent of his church seat ' in New Kirk'
amounting to twenty merks. What church in Edinburgh was then known
as the New Church is not known to the writer, but in 1683 the Town
Council of Edinburgh gave a grant ' to him and his familie to possess
that seat or loft in the Tron Church which is possest be Mr. James Smith,
Mason, and also granted warrant to his lordship to possess the back seat
of the said loft, and recommended to the Lord Advocate to accommodat
the said Mr. James Smith with a seat in the back loft.' It may be feared
that Mr. James Smith did not appreciate the honour which the Town
Council did him, by depriving him of his pew in church, because the
great Lord Advocate desired to have it, and that he would not be unduly
grateful for the privilege of having a single seat in his lordship's ' back
loft.' The Tron Church was the only church in Edinburgh whereof the
services were fully according to Episcopal forms.
Sir George Mackenzie received many marks of the royal favour and
approbation. Several of the royal warrants are still preserved. On the
4th June 1678 Charles n. made a grant to him of all the past feu-
duties due to the Crown for his Ross-shire estates, as well as those pay-
able during the following seven years. As the Crown duties payable
for these lands were unusually heavy, this grant was of substantial
money value. Its terms are interesting, and are as follows : —
' Charles R.
'Right trusty & right intirly beloved Cousine & Counsellor, Right trusty &
wele beloved Cousins & Counsellors, and right trusty & wele beloved Counsellor : Wee
greet you wele. Wee being very sensible of the Faithfull services done to us by our
right trusty & wele beloved Counsellor Sir George McKenzie of Rosshaugh our Advo-
cat at this tyme. And of the great paines taken by him ever since wee appointed
him to serve in that station. And being resolved to putt a mark of our favour upon
him, for his farder encouradgement fn our service, our will & pleasure is that you
discharge him of all Feu dueties resting by him to us, for all his propper Lands, within
the Shyre of Ross, for this prestant year of God 1678, And of all yeares & termes
preceeding ; And that accordingly you give power & Warrant for expeding
hereupon in due forme. And seeing wee are resolved to continue this our Royall
favour unto him, Wee doo appoint you in lykemaner, to acquitt & discharge him, of

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