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the fame truely and honeftly as it becometh men of worth ; alwayes
craveing Gods afiftance to direct them aright, that they wrong neither
themfelves, theire fucceffors, nor theire forbeers verteus, bot rather by
theire own deeds to illuftrat the fame ; eflhewing all intemperance or
fleuth which may difcredit them. It being more commendable by
honeft means to better our fortune left unto us by inheritance, then to
diflipate the famine unworthily under falfe and unneceffary pretexts of
liberalitie and fuch lyke. Bot if, by civil diforders or incident cala-
mities, we be made unable to improve the fame, yet let us doe the
lyklieft, ftriveing alwayes to preferve the ftock from all ingadgements,
that juftly it be not alledged, we are degenerated from our forbeeres
" Its eafie and facile to fpend, confume, and put away our patrimonie,
bot to mantaine a good name, and live honourably as it becometh no-
blemen, is a more difficile tafk ; expetendae Junt opes ut dignis largia-
mur, fayes the ancient. In all our doeings, difcretion is to be obferved,
otherwayes nothing can be done aright. We fee the fouldier undergoes
many hazards to provyde for himfelfe and his pofteritie ; the advocat,
the phyfician, the theologue, does the like, ever affecting preheminence,
with means and riches to intertaine the fame ; mould we not then at
leaft be alfe careful as they are, to mantaine our eftate and condition, fo
eafily befallen to us by fucceffion, as not to fuffer it, through fupine ne-
gligence, untimely fpending, drunkenefs, companionrie, or debaucherie
whatfomever, to be dilapidat or bafely put away ; rather let us live ho-
neftly and foberly within our felves, as becomes good Chriftians, then
to caft away that we never wan.
" Let our fpending be conform to our yearly rent, without diminution
of the ftock or ground right, elfe we fhal incur the blame of debaucherie,
and fuftaine great reproach, with difreputation and lofs of thefe means
which we never acquyred.

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