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that parcell of ground purchased by Abraham from Ephrone, the son of
Zohar, the Hittite, that dwelt amongst the children of Heth, was Abra-
ham's proppertie ? If it was, (which they will not nor dare not contravert,)
then had he power to destitute and appoynt that parcell of ground to
what use he pleased, which haveing done for a buriall-place to himself
and his successors, before he had any other right of property within the
land of Canaan ; now suppose that himself or any of his posteritie eftir-
ward had built a synagogue in use with them, upon that very ground
where the cave was, by what law, humane or divine, could the head and
representatives of the Jewish church (when constitute in that excellent
order left us upon sacred record) have made ar.e act, dischargeing any
ane of the posteritie of Abraham, (in whose lot this synagogue had fallen,
wherein the ancient buriall-place of ther fathers was,) to have buried in
that synagogue, pretending it might profane that holy place appoynted
for divine worship, which, as we find not done by them upon record, nor
practised by the ancient Christian church, since the tyme ther was pub-
lict places allowed them for divine service. Upon what grounds then the
Generall Assemblie proceeded, when they made that act that depryved
soe many noble families of ther ancient buriall-places, I leave it to law-
yers and divines to enquyre eftir ; and soe I returne again to Cambusne-
then, who, notwithstanding of the presbyteries prohibitione, was fully
determined to bury his daughter within the cpieir, which the Lairds of
Raploch, Cleilland, and Millburne, with others of his relations, being
informed off, they came to Camnethen, and dealt very earnestly with him
not to break the act of the assemblie, nor contemne the admonitione of
the presbytrie, who were fully resolved with excommunication against
him, and all his assisters, if he should bury within the queir, or within any
part of the churche walls.
" This advyce of his friends, with the hazard he might incurre (if any

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