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Frascr, Janet, of Philorth, 14r— 15, 93
„ John, 77
„ Lord, 30
„ of Mernsie, 33 n.
„ William, of Fuird, 7
„ William N. (Editor of the Account, &c), iii., iv.,
35 n., 37 u., 106
his MS., iv., 94, 95
Freer, Adam, of Innernethy, 97
„ Marion, 97
French, Adam, 6
Frendraught, Laird of, 66, 67, 69
Freuchie (Freuquhy), 84, 85
Friseland, 21
Fuird, William Frascr of, 7
Fyndlatyr, 14
„ v. Findlater
Fyvie, 13 n.
Galloway, Mull of, 37
Galstou, 97
Gardiner, Colonel James, 27
Rev. Mr., 107
Gartsherrie, Bairds of, 105
Geldres v. Gueldres
George I., King, 24
Gibson, Elizabeth, of Addiston, 26
„ Sir John, of Addiston, 26
Gicht (Gight), bog of, 13 n.
„ estate of, 14
„ Lady, 53
„ Laird of, 30
„ Maitland of, 12, 13
„ „ Sir Patrick, 93
Gilmerton (Gilmertoun, Gilmourtoun), baronia de, 103,
„ lands of, 22
Gilmour, Sir J., of Craigmillar, 24
„ Margaret, 24
Mr. John, 79
Glassaugh (Glessauch), Ahercrombie of, 36
Ogilvie of, 14, 20
„ 103
Glasgow (Glasgua), 10, 97, 104
„ Archbishop of, 6
„ Bishop of (1178), 2. Do. (1224), 2
Gleneopok (Glencapok, Glengappok), 5, 9, 10, 103
Gloucester, 5, 10
Gordon (Gordoune), family of, 12, 18, 19
Adam de, 6
Alexander, of Blelack, 22
Duke of, letters, 83, 84
Elizabeth, 12
Lady Elizabeth, 14
Georgius, dominus, 13 n.
James, of FechiL 35
Mr. James, 54
John, 83
John (Sir), 12 n.
John, of Coeklarochie, 34
John, of Fyndlatyr, 15
John (Sir), of Pitlurg, 12
John, of Scurdargue, 12 n.
John, of Wardhouse, 35
Katherine, 35
Lord Lewis, vi. n., 97
Mary, of Straloch or Pitlurg, v., 35
Mary, of Fechil, 35
Gordon, Nathaniel, of Clunymore, 15
„ Robert, of Straloch or Pitlurg, v.
„ William, 14
„ William, 35
„ William (The Hon.), vii. n., 106
„ William, of Badinscoth, 35
„ William, of Gicht, 13
„ Castle, 13 n.
Gordons, The " Jack," 12 n.
Govan, John, of Cardrona, 7
Grainge, Win, his History of Harrogate, 96
Granada, 22
Grant, Alexander, of ... . chieneil, 99
„ Mr. Alexander, 85
„ Catherine, of Ballindalloch, 15 — 16, 45 and n.,
„ Helen, 96
„ John, of Ballindalloch, 15
„ John, the " Black Bull," 32 n., 75 n.
„ John, W.S., 96
„ the Laird of, 15, 33
his letters, 83, 84
„ Ludovick, v. Laird of
„ Nathaniel, of Tullochgorum, 15
Greenlay, terra de, 104
Greyfriars, the Old, Epitaphs in, 99
Gueldres, the Duke of, 5
Guertyn, 6
Guinegate, 8
Haddington, 104
shire, ix., 22, 23, 26
Haddo House, 13 n.
„ Laird of, 30
„ Lord, vi., 106
Hailes (Hales), Dahymple of, 24
Hairhead, terra de, 104
Halidonhill (Halydounhill), 7, 102
Halkerstoun, Lord, 89 n.
Halkheid, James, 78
Hamilton, Sir A., of Rosehaugh, 23
„ Margaret, of Belhaven, 24
„ Margaret, of Mountainhall, 26
Marquis of, 69, 72 n.; 74
Harris's Lexicon Technicum, v.
Harrogate, Grainge's History of, 96
Harvey, Mr. Alexander, 22
Elspet, 59
„ Helen, of Kilmuudy, 21
„ James, of Kihnundy, 22
„ Mr. John, 22
„ Dr. Robert, 22
Hawdenstank, 6
Hawke, Sir Edward, 26 n.
Hay, Mr. Alexander, letter, 89—90
„ Sir David, 31 n.
„ Sir James, of Linplum, 23
„ Lady Jean, 89
„ Lady Katherine, 33, 34, 35, 88, 89
„ Lady Mary, 34 and n.
„ Lord, viii., 67
„ Margaret, of Linplum, 23
„ William, 65
Henderson, Alexander, 29
Henry IV., King, 6, 7
„ VI., King, 7
Hepburn, Mr. William, viii., 62, 63, 67, 68, 72
Mr., 29

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