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Baird, Alexander, at Hill of Errol, 99
Alexander, Magiater, 104
Alexander of Lockwood, 105, 106
Alexander (at Pulacat), 36
Alexander of Ury, 105—6
Alexander, present representative of Ordinhnivas, 100
Andrew, 20
Andrew, 25
Andrew, W.S., 20, 21, 60, 66, 67, 76, 78, 81, 82
Andrew, burgess of Banff, 17, 95
Andrew of Laveroeklaw and Auchmedden, 17 — 18,
33 n.
Andrew, Friar, Professor at Lyons, vii., ix., 19, 20,
21, 41, 56, 59, 73, 74, 75
his letters, 41—9, 51—2, 55—8
Anne, 37
Anne, 70
Anne (wife of Keith of Northfield), 20, 22, 100
Aune (Lady Coeklarochie), 34
Anne (Mrs. Eeid), 99
Sir Anthony de, 6
Bathia (Lady Ramsay), 22
Bathia (Lady Barclay), 25
Brandane, 20, 21, 56 n., 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67,
68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 81
Catherine (Mrs. Clifton), 98
Catherine (Mrs. Grant), 96
of Cambusnethan, 3
family of, 12, 105
of Carnwath, 3
Charles, 37
Clementina, 36
Christian, 35
Christian (Mrs. Lesly), 34
Christian, Miss, of Newbyth, vii. n., 106
of Corskie, 69 and n.
of Chesterhall, 69 n.
„ family of, 93
David (merchant, Edinburgh), 27
David, 99
David, Sir, of Sauchtonhall, 27
David, General Sir, of Newbyth, viii., 25 n., 27 n.
David, Sir, 2nd Bart, of Newbyth, 25 n.
David, of Stitchell, 106
Douglas, of Closeburn, 106
Duncan, 3
Edmund, 4
Elizabeth (Lady Cunningham), 25
Elizabeth (Lady Abercrombie), 34
Elizabeth (Mrs. Walker), 96, 98
Elizabeth, 99
Elspet (Mrs. Stewart), 20, 22
Euphan (Lady Murray), 22, 23
Family of, iv., x., 1 n.
Fergus, 3
George, of Ordinhnivas, 14 — 15, 93
George, of Auchmedden, the first, vii., 15 and n.,
17, 18—20, 33 n.
George, of Auchmedden, the second, viii., 20, 29 —
30, 30 n., 33 n., 95, 101
George, of Corskie, 19, 20, 95
George, 20
George, Doctor, of Padua, 30
George, an infant, 35
George (at Kingston, Jamaica), 37
George (merchant, Glasgow), 14, 96 — 7
George, of Striehen, 106
Gilbert, of Auchmedden, vii., viii., 16, 19, 20—22,
28, 33 n., 41, 93, 100
Baird, Gilbert, of Auchmedden, his letters, 49 — 50, 53 —
55, 59—60
Gilbert, of Posso, 7, 17 and n.
Gilbert, 15
Gilbert, writer, 15, 30 and n.
Gilbertus de Auchmedden, 103
Gulielmus de Auchmeden, 104
Gulielmus, Dominus de Newbyth, 104
Gulielmus, Dominus, 103
Gulielmus, mercator, 104
Helen (Mrs. Ogilvie), 36
Helen (Mrs. Farquharson), 37
Henrietta (Mrs. Fraser), vi., 35 n., 37
Henry, Sir, of Stains, 9
Hugh, 20, 21
Hugo de, 2
Jacobus de Auchmaden, 103
Jacobus, junior, de Auchmeden, 103
Jacobus, Dominus de Sauchtonhall, 104
Jacobus de Chesterhall, scrib. sig. Meg., 104
James, founder of Ordinhnivas, 11
James, second of the family of do., 12
James, Sir, of Auchmedden, x., 3, 15, 16, 18, 30 —
34, 63, 73 n., 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88 n., 89 n.
letter of, 88—9
James, Commissary of the Ecclesiastical Court,
viii., 19, 20 and n., 21, 22—28, 24, 25 n., 29, 30,
82 n., 95, 101
James, younger of Auchmedden, 34 — 35, 84
James, Sir, of Sauchtonhall, viii., 25 and n., 26
James of Chesterhall, the first, 14, 94, 95—7, 98, 99
James of Chesterhall, the second, M.D., 14, 96—
James, in Bankheid, 94, 95
James, at Bath, 21, 27, 28
James, Major, 26
James, Surgeon R.N., 36—37
James, Deputy King's Remembrancer, 99
James (in Java), 100
James, 20
James, 34
James, 35
James (died young), 35
James, 99
James, G., Sir, now of Sauchtonhall, 27 n.
James, now of Auchmedden and Cambusdoon,
M.P., vii. n., 105, 106, 107
Jane (Mrs. Smith), 96—97
Janet (at Banff), 17
Janet (Mrs. Ogilvie), 20, 22
Janet, 21
Janet (Mrs. Jackson), 96, 98
Janet 99
Janet' (Mrs. WTiitelaw), 106
Jean, 3
Jean, heiress of Cambusnethan, 11 and n.
Jean (Mrs. Bruce), 34
Jean, 35—36
Joannes de Kilquhynzie, 103
Joannes, Dominus de Netvbyth, 103, 104
Joannes de Newbyth, junior, 104
Joannes in Glasgud, 104
John, 3
John, of Evandale, 3
John, of Kilquhynzie, 7
John, Captain, 9
John, Sir, Lord Newbyth, ix., 22—23, 25 n„ 30, 95
John, Sir, of Newbyth, the second, 24, 25 n.
John (at Dantzig), 25

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