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spouse, cam by way of Hamesucken, under sylence and cloude of nycht, to the
said Gilbertis dwelling-place of Auchmedden, quhair the said Lilias Baird was for
the tyme, in sober and quyet maner, accompaneit with her bairnis and servandis
(her husband being absent), and there clam the cloise dykes of the said place,
pullet out the stanchellis of the kitchen wyndois, brak up sum duris, and assageit
the said Lilias and her servandis within the said place be the space of thre houris
or thairbye ; clam up to the tops of thair houssis, kaist in stanes at the chymney,
and shot in hagbutis and pistolettis at the duris and wyndois of the said place ;
schot the said Lilias throw the claythis, sche being grit with barne ; for feir of the
quhilk schot she schortlie thairafter partit with the said barne, quhilk was cruellie
slane be the said James ; and swa ye committit Hamesucken, Assageing of houssis
under sylence and cloude of nycht, and lies contravenit the tenour of the saidis
Actis of Parliament in beiring, weiring, and schuting with hagbuttis and pistolettis.
Jul. 30. — The Justice produced his Majesty's will, which was to the effect that
James Chene "sail be banisht." — Subscribed at Falkland, the 27th July 1602.
James Rex.
The Commissary, Mr. James Baird, as appears from the following Act,
recovered for his brother Auchmedden, Sheriff-Principal of Banff, the moneys
expended by him in recovering the House of Rothiemay from the rebels by an
armed force in 1635.
Apud Edinburgh, 8th Jidy 1636. — Anent the supplication presentit to the
Lords of Secreitt Counsell be George Baird of Auchmedden, Shiref-Principal of
Bamf, makand mentioun that, whereupon the second day of April last, be warrand
from the said Lords, he manned and fortified the Hous of Rothiemay with powder,
bullet, and 24 soldiours, with thair necessar furnishing, who remained there be the
space of sevin weekes ; and for the space of four weekes thereafter, till the fyfteneth
of June, that the Marques of Huntlie, by warrand from the saids Lords, receaved
the hous, the same, was keeped by six souldiours, all furnished in maner conteanit
in the supplicant's compt, quherby it will appeare that, besides the dewteis lifted
from the tennents of Rothemay, the supplicant has beene at the charge and
debursement of nyne hundred fourescore three punds, nyne shillings of his own

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