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haif writtin, sail be giffin up. I writ lykways something concerning that business
of Andro Meldrum, but I will give na mair but xxiic. rnerks for the land, for
I think it is na mair worth. I have ressavit an letter from Mr. John Abercrombie,
quharin he makes an offer of his brother's lands of Montcoffer, or Ordinhnivas, to
me. Gif ye think it expedient, send me your advyss of both, altho' I confess it be
lang trysting betwixt Edinburgh and you.
As for occurrences, we are all making for the field heir again — we luik for
nothing but for the worst. The King will not cum in proper person, but he has
made the Earl of Northumberland General both of his land and sea forces. The
copie of his patent is cum home heir, which gives him warrant and power to raise
all the forces of England, and to invade Scotland with fyre and sword ; the copie
quhairof will be sent to you all. Ye may luik for advertisement from this, and it
may be, I be the first Advertiser myself. We have sent an new Information in
thro' all England and Holland, quhairof ressaive an double. Our commissioners
are not lyklie to cum in haste.
Thair has been sum practises against the Earl of Argyle be Maclean and sum
wicked people, wha were thocht to have tane the Erles lyfF indirectly, — praisit be
God, the matter is discovered, and Maclean is lying fast in Inverary, the Erie of
Argyll's ane House.
I sail cause try for an horse to you, but they are very evil to be had and very
scarce. I thank you for your Buchan pertriches. Ressaive a pair of spectacles for
James Middle ton, so, committing you to God, I rest, &c.
XXXVI. From the Same to his Nephew, Sir James Baied, of Auchmedden.
Edr., March 12, 1641.
Rycht honorabill and my loving Nephew, —
I ressavit both your letters, the ane concerning you awin particular anent the
decreet arbitral betwixt you and the tutor of Pitsligo, quharein both Mr. John
Gilmour, myself, and my man have taken pains, and have causit my man advance
to Mr. John Gilmour ane double angel for his pains, quhilk ye man reimburse, and
I believe the decreet, as it is mendit, sail be found legal and formal, and see that
guid penaltys be put in, in case that ye suld take a startling. Withal I expect you
to love peace and quietness, a sober and calm living, for I esteem myself much
honoured so long as your House stands. Your letter, concerning the affairs of
Buchan, I have sent to my Lady Mar, quhairof I doubt not but you will receive

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