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Lairds of Glenlyon

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(88) Page 76 -
AT Dunkeld, the nynteen day of November Jm VI and nyntie sex
yeirs, In presence of John Stewart of Ladywell, Comrieof Dun-
keld, Sittand in Judgement Anent the lybelled, as howe persued at
the Instance of Helen Lindsay, relict of the deceast Robert Campbell
of Glenlyon, persuer, Summonding, Warning, and Chargeing,
the persuers defenders undermend personallie or at there dwelling
house ; To witt, John Campbell, lawll sone to the defunct Alexander
Campbell of Ardeonack, John Stewart of Cammoch in special ; And
all others having or pretending to have Intrest generallie, at themercat
cross of Dunkeld, To have compeired before the sd comrie, and named
the day and dait of thir presents, to have heard and gein the debts &
oyrs. underwritn resting be the sd deceast Robert Campbell to the sd
Helen Lindsay, perssuer, for herself and as haveing right in maner
underwritn to be found Justly adebted to her ; and that she ought to
be decerned excrix Creditrix to the goods aftermentiond for payt. of
the samen : They are to say, Mr. William Foord, sometyme school-
master at Chestill (afterwards at Dunkeld), for ane yeir and ane
quarter, the soume ffourscor three punds sex shilling eight pennies :
Item, to Mr. John Andersone, sometyme school master yr. the
soume of ane hundreth punds Scots money ; Item, to Sibella Ayssome,
for sex years and ane halfs for hire, The soume of ane hundred and
seventeen punds, being eighteen punds yearly ; Item, to John McGillio-
christ, hyre man, the soume of twenty nyne punds sex shillings eight
pennies of fie and bounties for two yeirs ; Item, to Patrick Thomsone,
hyre man, twenty merks yearly for two yeirs — Inde, twenty sex punds
threttein shillings four pennies ; Item, to John Mcewin, Clerich, of by
gone fies, The soume of twentie punds ; Item, to Donald Ban
McCallum, also servitor, the soums of threttein punds sex shilling
eight pennies for ane yeir's fie & bounty ; Item, to Christian M'Nab,
late servitrix, of fie & bounty fyve merks ; Item, to Donald Clerich,
of fie, four punds ; Item, to Donald M'Kissick, for ane yeir and ane
half's fie, thretty punds ; Item, to Patrick M'Ewin, of fie, for ane yeir,

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