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not directly or indirectly to do any act or acts that shall prejudice ye said cause, but Proofs,
to the hazard of life and estate to assist, prosecute, and maintaine ye same ; Not to
accept or submitt to any peace without ye consent and approbation of ye generall
assembly of ye said confederate Catholiques ; and upon any peace or accommodation
to be made by his Maty with ye said confederates to insist upon, and maintaine ye
ensueing propositions, viz.: — That ye Roman Catholiques both Clergy and Layety in
their severall capacities shall have ye free and publique exercise of ye Roman
Catholique Religion and function in Ireland, in as full lustre and splendour as it was
in ye raigne of Henry ye 7 th or other Catholique Kings, his predecessors, Kings of
England. (206) That ye secular clergy of Ireland, vizt, primates, archbishops, deans,
and chapters, &c, and their successors, shall have and enjoy all manner of jurisdiction,
privilege, &c, in as full manner as they enjoyed ye same in ye raigne of ye said King
Henry; That ye said clergy shall have, hold, and enjoy all ye church and church
liveings in as large and ample manner as ye protestant clergy enjoyed ye same ye 1st
day of October, 1641, together with all ye proStts, &c, as well in all places then in
ye confederates' possession, or as should hereafter be recovered by the so confederates
from ye advers party, which advers party were his Maties subjects then under his grace
ye Duke of Ormond's comand.
" That ye said Marquesse, after takeing ye said othe of association, constantly
continued in ye Rebells quarters, was eminent in their counsells, and during ye con-
federates treaty of ye 1646 peace, was all along opposite thereto, and when he saw it sir N# pi un .
drawe neare a conclusion, being disgusted thereat, he forsooke ye kingdom, and in kett ' s brie fs m
the clerk of ye
great discontent he retired into ye highlands of Scotland, (207) where he purposed tocouncill's
continue until he should receive advertisemt of ye breach of ye said peace, designed ^ubtin"
by him before leaving Ireland, which accordingly being effected by his confederates
Owen Roe O'Neile and ye pope's nuncio, and clergy party, they sent one Patrick
O'Haggerty, (208) a priest, purposely with notice thereof to ye said marquesse, who
thereupon immediately returned into Ireland, and joined with ye said Nuntio and Owen
Roe, and in an open assembly (purposely called to that end) moved that a declaracon
should be framed for rejection of ye said peace, and being opposed therein by ye
(206) Kings of England. — The demands of the Irish tioned at pp. 79 — 2771 supra), was also from the county of
clergy on the religious question implied not only toleration Deny. The family to which he belonged " was of the
lor themselves but also the re-estabiishment of their old race of Eoghan, but never attained to any distinction in
ascendancy. See Dr. Trench's Works, vol. ii., pp. the annals of the country. Their habitat in the fourteenth
45 — 48. century seems to have been in the north-west of the
(207) Of Scotland. — On the occasion here referred to, modern barony of Loughinshollin. In 1458, Nicholas
Antrim's leading object in going to Scotland was to meet O'Hegarthy was rector of Balliscrine. In 1646 Donald
sir Alaster MacColl, in Argyleshire, after the latter had and Cormac, sons of Felim O'Neyll, carried away fifty
taken his departure from the marquis of Montrose. cows from Patrick Ohegarthy of Ballyscrene. A mem-
Antrim was sojourning for a time in Cantire, when lord ber of the family is now ennobled in the Austrian
Lindores went to request in the king's name that Antrim's Empire, and the name is frequently met with in the
party in Scotland would discontinue the war. See p. 306, counties of Tyrone, Deny, and Donegal, in the form of
supra. Hagarty." Cotton's Visitation, edited by Dr. Reeves, pp.
(20S) (? JJnprrrtv. — This prie<l, like O'Crilly, (men- 21, 22.

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