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they give us of the old ruined buccaneer's life and character
are truly delightful. I proceed to quote from some of them.
He dates from Perth : —
March 1787. 'There is no alteration in my own affairs
since you left me. I can recover nothing from America.
New England is all in confusion and under arms ; my allow-
ance of £90 a year from Gov 1, still continues, which not only
furnishes me with what I call a comfortable subsistence, but
also enables me to assist some poor relations.' . . .
July 1788. ' My £90 still continues to me, nor have I any-
thing further to expect from that quarter nor indeed from any
other, but I am still contented, nor am I a shilling indebted
to any man. Should you remit any money to England dur-
ing my life I shall endeavour to lodge it in the funds for your
use, as I may probably rubb (sic) through the short re-
mainder of my life without being burdensome to any of my
frends.' . . .
Nov. 1788. 'I enjoy my ordinary state of health, nor am
I discontented. It is a considerable addition to my happiness
to learn from all your letters that you are doing well. My
brother, the Professor at Edinburgh, enjoys better health
than he has done for several years past.'
May 1790. ' My brother at Edinburgh is very infirm, dis-
abled by an apoplectic stroke. I enjoy tollerable health for a
man at my time of life, being now turned of 70 years. I
pray for the continuance of your health and prosperity.'
March 1791. ' There is no alteration in my own affairs. I
am now upwards of 70 years of age, enjoy tollerable health,
live very recluse, take all the exercise I can, my wants are
but few and I am contented.' . . .
Aug. 1791. 'Although I hope that you will never have
occasion for any trifle that I may leave behind at my death,
I, about 2 years ago made a will in your favour, and failing of
you in favour of my brother the Professor and his eldest son
Adam, whom I have appointed my executors, at the same
time allotting most of the interest towards the support, dur-
ing their lives, of a brother and sister who are older than

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