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of — Pool, Esq. of Bryde Kirk Bank, by whom (who <Z.
15 Dec. 1847J she left three sons and two daus. at her
death, on 12 Jan. 1809, viz.,
1 John, o. 10 Feb. 1801, ) of Johnstone Ville, Mark-
2 William, b. 4 March, 1803, J ham's Concession, U. Can.
3 James, of Stapleton, in the parish of Dornack, and
co. of Dumfries, b. 20 Aug. 1805 ; m. 9 Dec. 1828, Jane,
dau. of the late John Paterson, Esq. of Bryde Kirk
Hall, in the co. of Dumfries, a lineal descendant of
William Paterson, Esq. of Trailflat, in the same county,
founder of the Bank of England, in 1094. Mr. James
Johnstone, of Stapleton, has issue five sous and four
daus., viz.,
Thomas, of Liverpool, in the co. of Lancaster, b.
20 July, 1830.
Robert, b. 7 Sept. 1882.
John, b. 19 Aug. 1838.
James, b. 9 March, 1S43, d. IS Jan. 1845.
James, 6. 19 Aug. 1846.
Jane, b. 24 Julv, 1834, d. 1 Aug. 1842.
Janet, 6. 17 Feb. 1836.
Elizabeth, b. 17 July, 1840, d, 26 July, 1842.
Mary-Jane, b. 31 Aug. 1849.
1 Mary, 6. 19 Nov. 1807; m. 24 June, 1839, to William
Halliday, Esq. of Maxwelltown, in the Stewartry of
Kirkcudbright, by whom she has iBSue,
Robert-Johnstone, 6. 26 July, 1840.
John, 6. 6 Dec. 1844.
Eliza, 6. 4 May, 1842.
Mary-Jane, b. 7 June, 1S48.
2 Janet, 6. 12 Jan. 1809 ; m. 30 Oct. 1838, Ebenezer
Jamieson, Esq. of Bryde Kirk Hall, in the co. of Dum-
fries, son of the late Robert Jamieson, Esq., and Sarah
Burton his wife, by whom she has issue,
Robert, 6. 7 Feb. 1840.
William, 6. 5 Aug. 1842.
Jane, b. 1 Jan. 1850.
Mr. Coulthart alienated the lands of Largmore, in the
Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and of Knockhill, co. Ayr,
15 May, 1776, and took possession of the estate of Collyn,
co. Dumfries, on the 4th day of June, in the same year.
He d. 15 Feb, 1807, and was interred in the family burying
ground at the parish church of Kirkpatrick-Fleming, co.
Dumfries, his estates and family chieftainship devolving on
his only surviving son and successor,
William Coulthart, of Coulthart, co. Wigtown, and of
Collyn, co. Dumfries, Esq., chief of his name and family, 6,
21 March, 1774 ; m. 3 Sept. 1801, Helen, 2nd dau. of the late
John Ross, Esq. of Dalton, co. Dumfries, a descendant of
the Rosses of HaWiead, co. Renfrew, and a collateral rela-
tion of the Boyles, Earls of Glasgow (See Ross of Dalton).
Mr. Coulthart had issue,
i. John-Ross, his heir, the present representative of the
ii. Margaret, 6. 9 Nov. 1808 ; m. 25 March, 1833, James
Macguffie,* Esq., of Crossmichael, co. Kirkcudbright,
eldest son of William Macguffie, Esq. of Loch-Hill, in the
parish of Crossmichael, and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright,
and Agnes his wife, dau. of Robert Sloan, Esq. of Whin-
nyhill, in the parish of Lochrutton, and said Stewartry of
Kirkcudbright, by whom she has issue,
1 William, b. 12 Oct. 1835.
2 John, b. 11 March, 1839.
3 James, b, 8 Feb. 1841.
4 Thomas, b. 13 Sept. 1843.
5 Alexander, &. 28 July, 1851.
6 Joseph, b. 17 March, 1854.
1 Helen, 6. 19 Jan. 1834.
2 Agnes, 6. 1 Feb. 1837.
3 Margaret, b. 13 Sept. 1843.
4 Mary, 6. 3 July, 1846.
5 Catherine-Campbell, b. 17 June, 1849.
* The family of Macgufiie is of ancient standing in Gallo-
way, and deduces its pedigree from Colonel John Macguffie
of Cubbicks, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, killed at
Floddcn, 9 Sept. 1513, leaving, by Felicia his wife, dau. of
John Home, Esq. of Ardmillan, three sons and two daus
Eleventh in direct heritable descent from this Colonel Mac-
guffie, of Cubbicks, stands James Macguffie, Esq. of Cross-
michael and Wigton, who m. Margaret, only dau. of William
Coulthart, of Coulthart and Collyn, Esq., as in the text.
Arms— Arg., a fesse, sa., between three boars' heads
couped, of the last.
Crest — A boar's head, as in the arms.
Motto — Arma parata fero.
Mr. Coulthart d. at Pasture House, co. Cumberland, 7 Oct.
1847, and was s. in his estates and family chieftainship
by his only BOn, the present
John Ross Coulthart, of Coulthart, co. Wigtown, Col-
lyn, co. DumfrieM, and Croft House, Ashton-under-Lyne, co.
Lancaster, Esq., banker, b. 24 June, 1S07; educated at the
Grammar School of Buittle, in the Stewartry of Kirkcud-
bright ; entered the National Bauk of Scotland's office, Cas-
tle Douglas, in 1S28 ; the Yorkshire District Bank's branch
at Halifax, co. York, in 1834 ; and the Ashton, Stalybridge,
Hyde, and Glossop Bauk, Ashton-under-Lyne, as general
manager, in 1836, which office he still holds in this present
year of our Lord 1854. Though in some respects engaged in
an arduous and exacting profession, Mr. Coulthart has not
neglected to cultivate general literature, nor to employ his
time in the acquisition of information which haB been found
useful by his fellow townsmen and the public. In 1838, he
published an octavo volume of Decimal Interest Tables,
which have been found exceedingly valuable by bankers ;
and The Times newspaper of 21 February, 1845, seven years
after publication, speaks of the work in vei-y high terms
in the money article, and says that it is deserving of the
widest circulation. In 1843, when commissioners were
appointed by Parliament to inquire into the sanitary con-
dition of the large towns in England and Wales, Mr. Coult-
hart, though a banker, was deputed to report on Ash-
ton-under-Lyne, which he executed with such fulness of
information, lucidness of arrangement, and accuracy of
description, that the Marquis of Normanby, in the House of
Lords (26 July, 1844), and the Earl of Carlisle, then Lord
Morpeth, in the House of Commons (30 March, 1847), spe-
cially mentioned it as deserving of particular attention.
Mr. Coulth art is a jFellow of the 8ociet y_^o {^Antiquaries,
Scotland ; an Assomte'oT'the British Archaeo logical Associ-
ation, London ; local Secretary to the Camden Society for
Ashton-under-Lyne; a member of the Chetham Society,
Manchester ; and of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historical
Society, Liverpool, &c. Mr. Coulthart is also Treasurer of
the borough of Ashton-under-Lyne, of the Ashton-under-
Lyne Savings' Bank, and of the Ashton-under-Lyne Poor-
Law Union ; and served the office of Mayor of the Minor of
Ashton-uuder-Lyne in 1855.
A rms — Quarterly of eight :
1st, — Arg., a fesse, between two colts in chief, and one in
base, courant, sa., for Coulthart of Coulthart, in allusion
to three horses that the Coultharts were anciently bound to
furnish the Sovereigns of Scotland in time of war, when
required, for their barony of Coulthart, in the county of
2nd — Arg., a chevron chequy of three tracks, sa. and or,
between three water-bougets, of the second, for Ross of
3rd — Sa., an inescutcheon, chequy, arg. and or, between
three lions' heads, erased, of the Becond, for Mackntohte of
4th — Quarterly, arg. and sa., a cross parted per crosB
ingrailed, counterchanged, for Glendonyn of Glendonyn.
5th — Arg., a bend cotised, potentee, sa., charged with a
tilting-spear, of the first, for Carmichael of Carspherne.
6th — Erm., a chevron-chequy, arg. and sa., between three
boars' heads, couped, of the last, muzzled, gu., within a bor-
dure nebulee, of the third, for Forbes of PUscottie.
7th — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az., a stag's head, cabossed,
or; 2nd and 3rd, arg., three human legs, armed, ppr.,
united in the centre at the upper part of the thigh, triangu-
larly flexed, garnished and spurred, of the second ; in sur-
tout, an escutcheon, erm., charged with a stag's head,
cabossed, sa., within a bordure, pallettee, of the third, for
Mackenzie of Craig Hall.
8th — Erm., a fesse, sa., charged with a spear, arg., the
point to the dexter side, between three boars' heads, erect
and erased, of the second, for Gordon of Sorbie.
Supporters — On the dexter, a war-horse, arg., completely
armed for the field, ppr., garnished, or; on the sinister, a
stag, of the second, attired and ducally gorged, of the third ;
being a rebus on the name Coult-hart.
Crest — A war-horse's head and neck, couped, arg., armed
and bridled, ppr., garnished, or.
Motto — Virtute non verbis ; in allusion to the horses in the

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