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amplie and frielie as the said Erie and his predecessours had
and bruikit the samyn of before. To be halden of His Majestie
and his Ilienes' successours in frie blenche for payment of ane
penny upon the ground of the said regalitie, or ony pairt thairof
zeirlie at the feast of Witsonday, in name of blenche ferme if it be
askit allanerlie, redemable alwayis and under reversioun in
maner following and siclyke, to infeft and seise the said Erie and
his forsaidis, in all and haill the heretable offices of Scherifschip
and Crownerie of the said Scherifdome, within the haill boundis
and limittis thairof above exprest, comprehending tbe haill landis,
baronies, and utheris lyand within the said Scherifdome erectit of
before. Togidder with the said landis of Assint and Fairnie-
costar now addit thairto, with the haill frie commodities, privie-
ledges, immunities and casualities perteining to the samyn To be
halden of His Majestie and his Hienes' successours in frie blenche
for payment of ane penny upone the ground of ony pairt of
the said Scherifdome zeirlie at the feast of Witsonday, in name
of blenche ferme, if it be askit allanerlie dureing the not redemp-
tioun of the samyn be vertue of the reversioun underwrittin, redim-
able alwayis and under reversioune, Lykeas, it is heirby expresslie
provydit and declairit that the forsaid richt of regalitie and of-
fices of Scherifschip and Crownerie sail be redimable to His
Majestie and his successours in maner eftir following, viz., That
quhensoever it sail please his sacred Majestie and his succes-
sours or thair Thesaurers in His Majestie's name to content and
pay to the said Johne Erie of Sutherland his airis, executours, or
assignayis all and haill the said somme of Ane thousand pundis ster-
ling, extending to the said somme of TwelfF thousand punds Scottis
money, haveand course of payment for the tyme within the great
kirk of Edinburghe, callit Sanct Goillis Kirk, at that pairt thairof
whare the tombe of umquhile James Erie of Murray is situat,
upone the premonitioun of fourtie dayis wairneing to be maid before
any terme of Witsonday or Martimas, to the said Erie or his for-
saids personallie, or at thair dwelling places, being for the tyme in
presence of ane notar and witnesses as effeiris, and in caice of refuiss,
or not compeirance to the ressait of the said somme the samyn to be
consignet in the handis of the Deane of Gild or Theasaurer of the
said Burghe of Edinburghe, being for the tyme, To be furthcum-
and to the said Erie and his forsaidis ; That than, and in that

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