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confinement, mould caufe the letters that had pafTed
between La Marre and him to be tranfcribed, in or-
der to amufe himfelf, or to fatisfy Lady Jane that
they were not loft, it was no way criminal; Lady
Jane received them, but obferving they were not
originals, fhe laid them by : fo confcious was fhe of
her own innocence, that Ihe did not ufe them, nor
ever would they have made their appearance, had it
not been for the conduct of Andrew Stewart, who,
upon getting an order to fearch Lady Jane's repofi-
tories, found out thefe letters, produced them in
court to Sir John, when under all the miferable cir-
cumftances of a man groaning under a load of years,
infirmities, and the acuteft pains.
The evidence of Godfroi, the landlord of the hotel
de Chalons, in the riie St. Martin, is contradictory
and inconfiftent, his books being every way defective
and erroneous; (fee page 45.) nor does Andrew
Stewart appear in a favourable light in this particu-
lar : when firft he came to Godfroi's houfe, both the
man and his wife were ignorant of the matter, neither
the one nor the other recollected Lady Jane Douglas,
or her hufband, till Andrew Stewart, defiring a fight
of the Livre d' Infpefteur, he found two articles,
one of them Mr. Fluratl Efcoiflbis et fa famille font
entre, 8th Juliet, 1748; and this he pofitively af-
firms, with oaths and imprecations, to be the hand-
writing of Sir John Stewart, with which he pretended
to be thoroughly acquainted : but he was obliged to
retract:, when other portages were found to be of the
fame hand-writing ; this portage was found to be
pofterior to one written on the 12th, and the land-
lady of the houfe declared that fhe herfelf had
marked it down. He had fifteen rooms and ten

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