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feduce witne Tes, and influence them to commit the
blackeft perjury. In this paper he defcribes the
perfon of Sir John Stewart, Lady Jane Douglas, and
of Mrs. Hewitt ; afTerts that they had purchaied two
children, whom they wanted to impofe upon the
world in order to defraud a real heir of an immenfe
eftate and fortune ; and inviting all, who could give
light into the matter, to come to his lodgings, which
he particularly defcribed.
Mr. Stewart certainly appeared like the guardian
of the Duke of Hamilton •, a pompous title, which
drove feveral to their own deftruction, and in hopes
of a reward. Among the number of thofe was Ma-
dam Mignon, a glafs manufacturer's fpoufe, who
after converging with Andrew Stewart and his clerk,
and receiving prefents from them, comes in before
theTournelle Crimmeile, anddepofes,that fhe had fold
her own child to foreigners, whom fhe did not fo much
as know. — Can a woman forfake her fucking child ?
is a rhetorical remonftrance handed to us from the
higheft authority. — The thing is incredible, and yet
the woman has iwore it ! — A circumflance fufEcient
to render her teftimony of no force, when oppofed to
the dying declarations of Lady Jane Douglas and
Col. Stewart, and to the pofitive oath of Mrs. Hewitt,
whofe character is eflablifhed (fee page 25.) upon a
very good foundation : but take the declaration of
Madam in all its extent, yet fhe has faid nothing
to afreet the appellant ; the time when, the people
to whom, with every other circumftance, prove
her not to have been the mother of the young
gentleman ; his complexion, the colour of his
eyes and hair, prove that he was not her's. The
fame thing might be faid of the fon of Sanry, the
rope-dancer, whom the council for the refpondent

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