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children upon her hrother, or the illuftri-
ous houie from whence me was fprung.
III. Suppofe me had been fo bafely
difpoied, yet (he would have been next
to. a madwoman, to commit the carrying
on the tranfaclion to colonel Stewart, the
mod abfent, artlcfs, improper perfon,* to
be found. Befides, if me was inclined,
from a principle of revenge, to bring in
faife children, there were poor people of
the name of Douglas, both in Britain and
Ireland ; and it would have been more
jfafe to try one of thofe, than to take one^
nay two, rrom among the meaneft of the
Frtnch king's fubjecls • and, to crown all,
to ll.ay i o months afterwards In France in.
the moil public manner. This' is an ab-
surdity which every perfon of common
feme mult fee through.
IV. That to buy children without mo-
ney, was no leis abfurd than to go to a
mariset of black cattle in that condition,
and to pick up two bratts, when they had
icarce money to fupport themfelves, was
ftrange and ridiculous. The books of
Gocitioi, the inn-keeper, in whofe houfe
lady Jane was aiferted to have been at the
pme ot the birth, were fo imperfect and

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