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? if I have miftaken the manner, or laid
< any thing improper.
c Though perfonally unknown to you,
* I rely upon your interceiTion ; the con-
* fcioufnefs of your own mind, in having
' done fo good and" charitable a deed, will
' be a better return than the perpetual
* thanks of, Sir, your moft obliged, moft
€ faithful and obedient fervant,
Jane Douglas Stewart.
St. James's Place,
May 15, 1750.
In compliance with this folicitation,
Mr. Pelham laid her letter before the
King, who, without hefitating a moment,
ordered her 300 1. per annum out of his
private purfe ; one half of the fum to be
inftantly paid down. All which was done,
and Mr. Pelham wrote her an immediate
anfwer, intimating his Majeity's conde-
This feafonable relief empowered her
to buy cloaths fuitable to her rank and
dignity, and in thefe fhe appeared at court
on the 4th of January 1751. The King
took particular notice of her, and fpoke
three times to her, while fhe flood in the

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