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25 Marched this day to Arfel, a place
famous for the retreat that Prince Vau-
demont made here in the year 1695; in
prefence of the French army, who were
thrice as ftrong as ours. And at this
place I have a great Ebenezer to fet up
of thankfulnefs and praife for merciful
deliverance from men who were ready to
fwallow us up. And now we are got in
again to Cambray, where we were in the
laft war. I hope to have comfortable re-
membrances of the mercy and goodnefs
of God to me in feveral places.
Augujl 3. This day I went to fee the
fiegeof Menin*, and was in the trenches
four or five hours. I obferve this of my-
felf. and own freely, that any meafure of
courage or refolution that I can pretend
to is f allenarly the fiee gift of God, and
not owing to natural temper, or conftitu-
tion, or blood, or any thing of that kind,
for I find that if God fhould withdraw
his grace and afliftance from me, I would
be one of the pooreft faint-hearted crea-
* Qftend, Menin, Dendermond, Aeth, ffrongly for-
tified cities of Flanders, were befieged during this
campaign by the allies, and every one furrendered af-
ter fome oppofition. f i. e. folely.

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