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thame twa and to the said James his airis and as-
signayis the foirsaid annuelrent of sevin score xvj
merkis money foirsaid at the termes abonewrittin
unto the lauchfull redemptioun thairof begynnand
the first termeis payment of the samin at the feist
of Witsoneday nixttocum and the saidis commen-
dator and Matho oblissis thame conjunctlie and
severalie thair airis executouris and assignayis to
releif and keip skaythles the said Johne Cosser his
airis executouris and assignayis of the premissis at
the handis of the saidis personis abonewrittin And
for the mair securite heirof the said parteis and
souerteis foirsaidis ar content and consentis that this
present contract be actit and registrat in the buikis
of our soverane lordis counsale and decernit to haif
the strenth of ane decreit thairof with executoriallis
of hoirnyng or poynding to be direct thairupone in
forme as effeiris And to that effect makis constitutis
and ordanis Maister Johne Abircrumby and ilkane
of thame conjunctle and severalie thair verray lauch-
full and undowtit procuratouris committand power to
thame to compeir befoir the lordis of counsale quhat-
sumever day or dayis place or placeis lauchfull and
to consent to the registring of thir presentis pro-
mittentes de rato In witnes heirof the saidis parteis
hes subscrivit this present contract with thair handis
as efter followis day yeir and place foirsaidis Befoir
thir witnes George Cranstoun of Corsbie, Alexander
Carstairis, Barnard Haitlie, Thomas Trotter, George

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