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this Farq r discendit fy ve erlis, being Ross of surname, vij 1
Farq r the first, Williame the second, Williame the third,
Hew the fourt, and William the fift ; but the sixt erle was
namit Walter Ross, utherwayis Leslie, quha maryit the
said fift erle of Ross his dochter, callit Euphame Ross.
This Walter Ross alias Leslie was ane nobill, vab,eant
man, quha made great service to the King of Scotland,
and soucht to his rewarde the heretrix of Ross, and callit
himself Walter Ross alias Leslie, or ellis the said Euphame
wald not mary him. The said Walter Ross alias Leslie,
begat on the said Euphame Ross, onne sone callit Alex-
ander, quha was callit Alex 1 ' Ross als lang as his mother
leivid, and thairefter was callit Alex r Leslie ; quha was
maryit on Duke Robert Steuart, governor of Scotland, his
dochter, and begat with her onne dochter callit Marie, quha
deyit virgin. Thairefter was Alexander Ila and Johne
Ila earlis of Ross. The said Williame, quhilk was the fyft
erll of Ross, hade two dochters, the eldest, Eupham Ross,
maryit on Walter Ross alias Leslie as said is. The uther
maryit on Donald of the lies, quha strak the batell of Har-
law, in Garyeoche, up on Sanct James evin in the yeir of
God ane thousand four hundreth and ellevin yeires. In
this battell was slaine nyne hundreth men, with two prin-
cipal captaines, upon the syde of the said Donald of the

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