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(579) Page 561 -
that case as they may be no more feared (since all those who
are affected to this Romish superstition may justly be suspected
as daungerous subjectes in the estate), so for the better coun-
tenauncing of the procedingis of the general assembly, we have
appoynted a convention of the estates of that our kingdome to
mete at Edinburgh, the xxyj of Januarie nexte, to the entent
that such thinges as may farder the advauncement of the
gospell, and suppressing of the enemy, may be then treated of,
advised, and concluded, wherein there shall be no want eyther
of our good wille, power, or authority ; desiring you hereby to
be present thereat, and to utter your loving care and affection
to the wele of that Ohurche. And because wee have appoynted
a preceding meeting of some selected oute of every estate, to
be at the same place the xxiiij of Januarie before, and having
made choice of you for one of that number, wee desire you
also both to keepe the tyme appoynted, and to kyth still as
yee have done heretofore affectioned, to the advauncement of
the religion presentle profest, wherein ye shall do us acceptable
service ; and so bid you farewell. From our Courte at New-
market, the 24 th November 1608.
Several other letters, addressed by James VI. to the Earl of
Wigton, have been preserved by the family. They, among
other things, declared, that the King had special confidence in
the Earl's "affection to the advancement of religion and good
estate of the cuntrie," and therefore call on him to attend cer-
tain meetings of Parliament and of the General Assembly,
which had been summoned by the King, to adopt measures,
among other things, for "hinderance of the encreas of Poperie."
The King was not content with the meetings and deliberations
of the Scottish nobility regarding religious matters ; but, as is
shown by a document addressed to John Lord Fleming, he
issued an edict in 1619, calling upon the whole members of his
Privy Council in Scotland to repair to Edinburgh, " and upon
pashe day to convene at the heich Kirk of Edinburgh, and
thair to ressave the communioun, efter the manner prescryvit
by the ordoure and actis of the last general! assemblie, assure-
ing thame that sal refuise to do the same, that they salbe de-
posit from their placeis in counsall, as unworthie of the trust

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