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deacons, matters, and freemen of the faid vocations, and our protection of
the famyn, and our priviledges therof, be negligence and flouthfullnefs,
being likly to pafs forth of ufe, where throu not only would the Lairds
of Roflin lay out of their juft right, but alfo our haill craft would bin
deftitute of ane patrone, protectour, and overfeer, whilk would ingener
manifold imperfections and corruptions both amongft themfelvs, and in
our craft, and give occafion to many perfons to conceive evill opinion of us
and our craft, and to leive off many and great enterprifes of policie,
whilk would be undertaken, if our- great mifbehaviour were fuffered to
goe on without correction ; for remeid wherof, and for keeping of good
ordre amongft us, in all time comeing, and for advancement of our craft
and vocation, within his Hienes Kingdome of Scotland, and furdering of
policie therin, till the moft part of our predeceffors, for themfelvs, and
in name and behalf of our brethren and craftfmen, with expreffe advice and
confent of William Schaw, mafter of worke to his Hienes, Umquhill
deareft Father of worthie memory, all in on voice agreed, confented,
and fubfcrived, that William Saintclair of Roflin, father to Sir William
Saintclair, now of Roflin, for himfelf and his airs, fhould purchafe and
obtain, att the hands of his Majestie, libertie, freedome, and jurifdiction,
upon us and our predeceffors, deacons, mafters, and freemen of the faid
vocations, as patrons and judges to us, and the haill profeffors therof,
within the faid Kingdome, wherof they had power and commiffion, fua
that they and we ought herafter to acknowledge him and his airs as
patrones and judges, under our Soueraine Lord, without any kind of
appellation or declination from their judgement, for ever, as the faid
agreement fubfcrived be the faid mafter of worke, and our predeceffors,
att mare length proports; in the whilk office, priviledge, and jurifdiction
over us and our faid vocation, the faid William Saintcler of Roflin ever
continued till his goeing till Ireland, where he prefently remains ; fince
the whilk time of his departure forth of this realme, there are very many
corruptions and imperfections rifen and ingenerit, both amongft our felfs,

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