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and a large number of milch cows, mostly of the Ayr-
shire breed, are kept, and a great many young cattle
are reared ; the milk is chiefly made into cheese of the
Dunlop kind, and sent to the markets of Glasgow and
other towns. A considerable number of sheep are also
fed, of the black-faced breed. The woods contain many
fine specimens of stately timber of ancient growth, and
the plantations are in general thriving and ornamental.
The rateable annual value of the parish is £7497- The
substrata are, limestone, coal, ironstone, sandstone, and
freestone of various sorts : the limestone and coal have
been long extensively wrought, and of the former, there
are two quarries, one on the lands of Auchinleck, pro-
ducing annually about 50,000 bushels of excellent qua-
lity, and one at Dalblair, yielding also a fair quantity.
There is, near these, an inferior kind of coal, which is
used for the burning of lime. Coal-pits have also been
opened on the lands of Mr. Alexander, of Ballochmyle,
on which, as well as on the Auchinleck property,
steam-engines have been erected ; the seams of coal
vary in thickness, and in the depth at which they are
found from the surface, and the average annual produce
is about S500 tons. Freestone is quarried on the banks
of the Lugar, and is much esteemed for millstones ; and
at Wallacetown, is found a stone which is fire-proof.
The present house of Auchinleck is a handsome mansion
in the Grecian style, erected by Lord Auchinleck, and is
situated in a diversified demesne, comprehending much
beautiful scenery, richly wooded.
The village is on the road from Glasgow to Carlisle,
by Kilmarnock : many of the inhabitants are employed
in weaving, for the manufacturers of Paisley and Glas-
gow ; the principal articles are light silks and muslins.
Some females are also employed in flowering muslins, in
a variety of patterns, for which this neighbourhood is
celebrated. The manufacture of snuff-boxes is carried
on to a considerable extent ; it was introduced into this
place from Cumnock, and the workmen here manufac-
ture card and needle cases, and ornamental boxes of
various descriptions. The wood used for this purpose
is plane-tree, and many of the specimens are painted in
devices, tartan plaiding, and other patterns, and, being
well varnished, have a very handsome appearance. They
are quite equal, in point of workmanship, to those made
at Laurencekirk, though sold at an inferior price ;
about sixty dozens are sometimes finished weekly, and
sent off, chiefly to the London market, but the demand
for them is very fluctuating. A fair is held on the
last Tuesday in August, for lambs, and is numerously
attended. The parish is in the presbytery of Ayr and synod
of Glasgow and Ayr, and in the patronage of Sir James
Boswell, Bart.; the minister's stipend is £161. 1. 11.,
with a manse, and a glebe valued at £10 per annum.
The old church is an ancient edifice, to which an aisle
was added by Lord Auchinleck, in 1754 ; and under-
neath it, is the burying-place of the Auchinleck family,
hewn out of the solid rock A new church has been
recently erected, near the site of the former ; it is a
substantial and handsome edifice, adapted for a congre-
gation of 800 persons. There is a place of worship for
members of the Associate Synod. The parochial school
is well attended ; the master has a salary of £34. 4. 4|.,
with £10 fees, and a house and garden. In the grounds
of Auchinleck House, are some remains of the ancient
castle, in a greatly dilapidated condition ; and in the
upper part of the parish, near the junction of the Gelt
and Glenmore streams, are slight remains of the castle
of Kyle, the history of which is involved in great uncer-
tainty. On the banks of the Ayr, near the confines of
the parish of Muirkirk, are the vestiges of some old iron-
works, said to have been established by Lord Cathcart ;
and it is exceedingly probable that new iron- works will
shortly be erected in the parish, which abounds with
ironstone. William Murdoch, of the firm of Bolton
and Watt, of Soho, near Birmingham, and who first
applied gas for the illumination of buildings, was a native
of this parish.
AUCHINLOCH, a hamlet, in the late quoad sacra
parish of Chryston, parish of Cadder, Lower ward of
the county of Lanark, 2 miles (S.) from Kirkintilloch ;
containing 138 inhabitants. This village has its name
from a considerable loch now drained, and owes its
origin to the mines of coal in its immediate vicinity,
which have been worked, on a moderate scale, by its
inhabitants, though the quality is scarcely good enough
to remunerate the expense of obtaining it. There are
also limestone-quarries, from which are raised materials
for building and agricultural purposes, and for which
works have been established at Garnkirk. In the vil-
lage is a school endowed by Patrick Baird with £300,
the interest whereof is paid annually to the master.
AUCHINMULLY, a village, in the parish of Kil-
syth, county of Stirling, 2 miles (E. N. E.) from
Kilsyth; containing 212 inhabitants. It is also called
Lower Banton, and is situated in the east barony divi-
sion of the parish : on the south, flows the river Kel-
vin, from which the village is distant about a mile.
AUCHINRAITH, a hamlet, in the parish of Blan-
tyre, Middle ward of the county of Lanark ; contain-
ing 77 inhabitants. It lies to the east of, and is a short
distance from, the village of Blantyre : the Alston
family have a handsome seat here.
AUCHINTIBER, a hamlet, in the parish of Blan-
tyre, Middle ward of the county of Lanark ; contain-
ing 73 inhabitants. It is situated in the western part
of the parish, on which side the Rotten-Calder water
forms the boundary, and separates the parish from that
of Kilbride.
AUCHLEVEN, a village, in the parish of Premnay,
district of Garioch, county of Aberdeen ; containing
107 inhabitants. It is seated in the south of the parish,
and on the road from Insch to Keig, which here crosses
the river Gaudy, by a light bridge of two arches, built in
1836. In the village, are three or four engines for
carding wool ; and cloth is manufactured to a small
AUCHMILLAN, a hamlet, in the parish of Mauch-
line, district of Kyle, county of Ayr, 2 miles (N. by
E.) from Mauchline; containing 24 inhabitants. This
place is situated, equidistantly, between the roads from
Mauchline to Kilmallock and from Sorn Castle to Gal-
ston : the number of the population has latterly de-
AUCHMITHIE, a village, in the parish of St. Vi-
gean's, county of Forfar, 3| miles (N. E.) from Ar-
broath ; containing 307 inhabitants. It is upon the
coast, and on a high rocky bank which rises nearly 120
feet above the sea ; and is irregularly built, but contains
several good houses, though the dwellings are chiefly
those of fishermen, who form a large part of the

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