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stands about 1A mile south-west of Glasgow, on the
road thence to Pollockshaws. It is inhabited chiefly
by handloom weavers. Population, 939.
CROSSRAGUEL, a celebrated Cluniac abbey,
now in ruins, in the parish of Kirkoswald in Ayr-
shire, 2 miles south- west of Maybole. It is situ-
ated on a broad ridge of ground which rises con-
siderably above sea-level, but on a part of the ridge
which sinks somewhat under the level of the imme-
diate environs, and amidst marshy ground. The
walls have greatly crumbled down, and it has long
been unroofed, but it still presents an imposing
front to the passer-by on the highway towards the
east, and is one of the most entire ecclesiastical
edifices of the period. This abbey was founded by
Duncan, Earl of Carrick, about the year 1240. The
last abbot was the celebrated Quentin Kennedy, who
died in 1564. Grose has given three views of the
ruins, and a minute description of them as they
existed in 1796, — supplied by a gentleman resident in
the neighbourhood, — of which the following is an ex-
tract :— " Entering the precincts from the north, where
the principal gate stood, you have in front what I
shall call the cathedral of the abbey, which stands
due east and west; the walls are almost entire,
about 164 feet long, and 22 feet high ; the architec-
ture in the same Gothic taste which is common in
structures of the same period ; the stones in general
not very large. There is but one door in all this
north side and front of the cathedral, which is near
the west end of it, considerably ornamented, of a
conic shape, 9 feet high, and at the bottom 5 feet
broad. The ground along the whole of the building
for about twenty paces from the wall, is enclosed
with a bad stone dyke, and set apart for a burying-
place ; but is now seldom used. — Leaving the above-
mentioned door, you turn to the west end of the
cathedral, and go about thirty paces south-west,
which brings you to what is called the Abbot's new
house. It is an oblong tower about 30 feet high ;
below it there is a large arch, through which you pass
before you get to the door of the house, which is
immediately on the south-east side of the arch ; this
door leads you up a winding narrow stair built to
the tower, and consisting of three flights of steps ;
the first flight brings you to a room 13 feet by 11,
lighted by two windows, 3 feet high, and 2J feet
broad, the one looking to the south, the other to
the north. The second flight brings you to another
room of exactly the same dimensions and lighted in
the same manner. The third brings you to the top
of the towei', which is surrounded by a parapet wall.
On the top of the staircase is a small building, higher
than the tower, which is said to have been a bell-
house. — From the west side of this tower, and at
right angles with it, there has been a row of build-
ings, which are now a heap of ruins. At the south
end a dovecot of a very singular construction is still
extant ; the shaft of it is circular, and surrounds a
well of excellent water; above 5 feet from the
ground it begins to swell, and continues for 6 or
V feet, then contracts as it rises, till it comes to a
point at the top ; in shape therefore it resembles a
pear, hanging from the tree, or rather an egg stand-
ing on the thickest end. You enter it by a small
door on the north, about 5 feet from the ground ;
the floor is of stone, and serves also as a covering to
the well beneath ; the sides within are full of square
holes for pigeons ; it is lighted from the top by a
small circular opening, and is still perfectly entire,
16 feet perpendicular, and where widest 8 feet in
diameter. — Returning to the door of the Abbot's
house, you go about ten paces due east, along the
inside of a high wall, which joins to the other
buildings of the abbey ; here has been a gate, now
in ruins ; entering by the place where the gate stood,
you find yourself on the south-west corner of a court
52 feet square. Round this court there has been a
covered way ; vestiges of the arches by which the
covering was supported are still visible : in the midst
of the court was a well which is now filled up with
rubbish. Walking along the west side of the court,
you find nothing but a strong wall, till you come to
the north-west corner, where is a small arched door,
the sides of which are much broken down ; this door
leads into a kind of gallery, 18 feet broad, and 72
feet long ; lighted only by three narrow slips to the
west. — Turning from this door, you walk 72 feet
along the south wall of the cathedral, which forms
the north side of the court ; in this you find three
doors, one almost at the north-west comer of the
court, and two near the north-east. These doors
are nearly of the same dimensions, 9 feet high, 5
feet broad at the bottom, and semicircular at the
top. The door at the north-west corner of the
court is almost opposite the door in the front or
north wall of the cathedral, which we have already
mentioned, and leads into the choir. This forms
the west part of the cathedral, is of an oblong figure,
88 feet long, and 25 feet broad within the walls,
lighted by five windows, with pointed arches, 10
feet high, and 3 feet broad at the bottom ; there is
but one small window to the south, at the head of
the wall, which has received the light over the
covering of the court ; on the north wall and near
the north-east corner of the choir, is a niche in the
wall, semicircular at the top, 8 feet broad, and 4
feet high, where it is probable the image of the
patron-saint formerly stood. — The partition which
divides the choir from the church, or east part of the
cathedral, is pretty entire, and has been furnished
with a pair of bells. Precisely in the middle of the
partition is a door, with a pointed arch, 9 feet high,
and 5 feet broad at the bottom, which leads into the
church ; this still retains something of its ancient
magnificence, is of the same breadth with the choir,
but only 76 feet long ; the east end of it is semi-
circular or rather triagonal, adorned with three large
windows, with pointed arches, 11 feet high and 7
feet broad at the bottom. There are six other win-
dows to the north, and one to the south, of the same
shape and height, but only six feet broad. Imme-
diately below the south window, and near the south-
east corner of the church, stands the altar, which
has been greatly ornamented, but is now defaced ;
no vestiges of any inscription remain here, or in any
part of the abbey. The altar is 7 feet broad, and 4
feet high, square, but fretted at the top a little to
the left from it. Below the most southerly of the
largest windows, there is a niche in the wall 4 feet
high and 2 broad, concave at the top, but almost
without ornament. In the bottom are two hollows
made in the stone, like the bottom of a plate ; this
is supposed to have been a private altar, perhaps that
of the family of Cassilis. A little to the right of the
principal altar is a small door leading to a ruinous
stair which we shall have occasion to mention im-
mediately. Still farther to the right of the altar,
on the same wall, is a larger door, 7 feet high and 6
broad, with a pointed arch, which leads into a high
arched room, with a pillar in the middle, and a stone
bench round the sides, 20 feet long and 15 broad,
said to be the place where the consistorial court was
held. It is lighted only by one window from the
east ; on the left hand as you enter the room from
the church, there is a door which opens on the ruin-
ous stair already mentioned. This stair has led into
a room immediately above the consistory, precisely
of the same length and breadth, but now level with
the floor. From this room you descend a few steps

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