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spiral staircase, is still in tolerable preservation; a new
roof has been recently added to preserve it from further
decay, and from the battlement is obtained a most
extensive and pleasing view of the surrounding country.
The castle was for many generations the residence of
the ancestors of the present noble proprietor, the Earl
of Wemyss and March, who takes the title of baron
from this place. There is a chalybeate spring ; but it
is not much frequented.
RHONEHOUSE, a village, in the parish of Kelton,
stewartry of Kirkcudbright, ]i mile (S. W.) from
Castle-Douglas ; containing 235 inhabitants. This place,
also called Kelton-Hill, lies in the northern quarter of
the parish, and was formerly noted for its horse-fairs,
all of which, except one held about the end of June, are
now transferred to Castle-Douglas. The great military
road passes through the village, where is a post-office.
Of three parochial schools, the original school is at
Rhonehouse ; the other two, branches of it, being at
Castle-Douglas and Gelston.
RHYNIE and ESSIE, a parish, in the district of
Alford, county of Aberdeen, 3| miles (W. by N.)
from Clattj containing 1035 inhabitants, of whom 240
are in the village of Rhynie, or Muir of Rhynie. This
place occupies the south-western portion of the ancient
lordship of Strathbogie, granted by King Robert Bruce
to the family of the Gordons, of whom Sir James Gordon
took the title of baronet from the lands of Lesmore, in
this parish, and of whose residence, Lesmore Castle,
there are still some remains. The lands, together with
the title, were held by his descendants for a considerable
period : on the demise of the last Duke of Gordon,
they passed to the Duke of Richmond, who is the sole pro-
prietor of the parish. Few events of historical importance
are recorded in connexion with the place : some tumuli
at the foot of the hill on the north-west of the parish,
were raised over the remains of those who fell in a battle
that occurred in the reign of Malcolm Canmore, between
the forces of Macduff and those of the usurper Lulach,
in which the usurper was slain. The parish is bounded
on the east by the river Bogie, and is nearly five miles
in length and almost of equal breadth ; comprising
about 4000 acres of arable land, and some extensive
tracts of moorland pasture, moss, and waste. The sur-
face is diversified with several hills of considerable
height ; but the only one deserving the name of a moun-
tain is that of Noth, which has an elevation of more
than 1000 feet above the level of the sea. The river
has its source in the adjoining parish of Auchindoir,
and, flowing north-eastward, falls into the Doveran at
Huntly ; the water of Kirkney has its source in the
moss of Essie, and, after a course of nearly eight miles
through this parish and part of the parish of Gartly, flows
into the Bogie. These two streams abound with trout
of excellent quality, affording good sport to the angler;
and there are several smaller streams in various parts,
of which the principal is the Craigwater, all forming
tributaries to the Kirkney. The soil is various ; near
the banks of the Bogie, a deep rich loam ; around the
bases of the hills, light and gravelly but fertile ; in
some of the lower grounds, clay ; and in others, tracts
of moss. The crops are, grain of different kinds, pota-
toes, turnips, and the usual grasses ; the system of hus-
bandry has for some years been rapidly improving ; and
large tracts of land, previously unproductive, have been
brought into a state of profitable tillage. The facility
of obtaining lime from the neighbouring parishes has
greatly contributed to the amelioration of the lands, and
bone-dust has been introduced as manure in the culti-
vation of turnips ; the hills and moorlands afford good
pasturage for sheep and black-cattle, and from the
mosses of Essie may be procured ample supplies of peat
for fuel. The chief substrata are, sandstone, whinstone,
and slate ; boulders of granite occur in various places,
and quartz is also found in small quantities. A sand-
stone quarry has long been wrought. The rateable
annual value of the parish, according to returns made
under the income-tax, is £2/16.
The village, situated on the west bank of the Bogie,
was built on lands leased by the Gordons, for the
accommodation of the surrounding district, about the
close of the last century ; and is chiefly inhabited by
persons engaged in agricultural pursuits and in various
handicraft trades. A post-office has been established
under that of Aberdeen, with which it has daily commu-
nication by a mail-gig ; to Huntly there is a runner ;
and facility of communication is afforded to the inhabit-
ants by the turnpike-road from Huntly to Aberdeen,
which passes through the parish and the village. Fairs for
sheep, cattle, and horses are held in April, June, Septem-
ber, and October ; and also, for hiring servants, at
Whitsuntide and Martinmas. The grain and other agri-
cultural produce are sent chiefly to Inverury, but partly
also to Banff and Portsoy. There are two hamlets in
the parish ; the one, in the district of Essie, called
Belhennie ; and the other, called the Raws of Noth, in
the district of Rhynie ; but neither of them is of any
importance. The ecclesiastical affairs are under the
superintendence of the presbytery of Strathbogie and
synod of Moray. The minister's stipend is £158, of
which £10 are paid from the exchequer ; with a manse,
and a glebe valued at £13 per annum : patrons, the
Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Fife. There were
originally churches in both districts, in which divine
service was performed on alternate Sundays, by the
minister of the united parish, from the time of their
union till about the year 1774, when the service at Essie
was discontinued. The present parochial church, at
Rhynie, was built in 1S23, and enlarged in 1S38 by the
addition of an aisle ; it is a plain substantial structure,
and in good repair. There are also places of worship
for Independents and members of the Free Church.
The parochial school, to which is attached a library,
affords instruction to about eighty children ; the master
has a salary of £24. 1 . S., eight bolls of meal, and a
house, and the fees average £20 per annum. A parochial
library at Essie is supported by subscription. On the
hill of Noth, which is of oblong form, and rises into a
conical peak towards the eastern extremity, are the
remains of a vitrified fort ; the walls appear to have
been ten feet in thickness. In making the turnpike-
road several stone coffins were discovered, some of
which contained human bones of large dimensions ; and
Roman coins have also been found in the parish. There
are likewise remains of Druidical circles.
RICCARTON, a parish, in the district of Kyle,
county of Ayr ; containing, with the villages of Hurl-
ford and Sornhill, 3226 inhabitants, of whom nearly
1200 are in the village of Riccarton, \ mile (S.) from
Kilmarnock. This place, which is of considerable anti-
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