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Gazetteer of Scotland

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(398) [Page 356] - MUL
is one 3 feet thick, in the hill of Bein-
anini, the property of Sir James Rid-
del, which might probably be wrought
to advantage, and the quality of the
coal is good. A feam about 18 inches
thick has been found in the parifh of
Kilfmichen, the property of the Duke
of Argyll ; and the fame mineral has
alfo been difcovered on the eftate of
Brolafs, the property of Captain Mac-
lean of Kenlochieven. In one place
there is a ftratum of coal under bafal-
tes ; and in another, bafaltes incum-
bent on that mineral, perhaps the only
inftance of the kind in the world. In
the mountain of Ben-etiich, a lingular
mineral fubftance is faid to have been
difcovered, viz. a zeolite or compound
filicious fpar, impregnated with pe-
troleum. Sandftone and granite, of a
fine quality, are abundant ; and peb-
bles of great variety and beauty are
found on the fhores. At Balphetrijh
is the famous ringing-jlone ; the di-
meniions are 7 feet long by 6 broad,
and 4^ feet thick ; it is of a dull gray
colour, fpotted with ftars of black
mica.) and totally different from the
furrounding rocks ; it is fo hard, that
it is impoffible with a common ham-
mer to break off the fmalleft bit; and,
when ftruck with a ftone or hammer,
it yields a found like brafs or caft
iron : the mineral properties of this
curious ftone have not yet been in-
veftigated. Mull is calculated to con-
tain about 425 fquare miles, and is
divided into 3 parochial diftricts, viz.
Kilfiriichen, Kilninian, and Torofay,
which alfo comprehend the adjacent
ifles of I-colm-kill, Staff a, Viva, Go-
metra, &c. containing altogether, in
7195, 8016 inhabitants ; increafe 2729
fince 1755. Of that number about
400 may inhabit the fmall iflands,
making the total population of Mull
only 7600. The valued rent is 744I.
us. iod. fterling, and the real rent is
771 il. fterling.
Mull of Cara. Vide Cara.
Mull of Galloway. Vide Gal-
Mull (Sound of); a narrow arm
of the fea, lying between the ifland
of Mull and the mainland of Argyll
and Invernefs-fhires. It is in general
from a to 10 mile', broad, and affords
fafe anchorage for veffels of any bur-
den. In the midft of it lies the iiiand
of Kerrera, which poffefTes feveral
harbours ; in Mull there are the har-
bours of Aros and Achnacraig ; and,
on the mainland, the excellent har-
bour of Oban,. From the found of
Mull Loch Linnhe goes off in a N. E.
direction, terminating in Locheil at
Fort William.
Mullbui, or Mull-buy; an ex-
tenfive ridge of barren hills, extend-
ing about 16 miles in length through
that diftrict of Rofs and Cromarty-
fhires, which is called Ardmeauack.
Vide Ardmeanach.
MUNGO (St.) ; a parifh in Dum-
fries-mire, IB the diftrict of Annandale,
forming a fquare of about 4 miles, and
containing upwards of 4000 acres. It
is furrounded on the E. and W. by
high hills ; but the whole parifh is le-
vel, except fome eminences of fmall e-
levation, called the Nut-holm-bills, on
one of which are the veftiges of a rec-
tangular encampment. The Hoping
fides of the hills are of a ftoney foil,
but the greater part is of a rich and
fertile loam. It is watered by the
Milk and the Annan, both of which
contain falmon ; the banks of the form-
er river are beautifully clothed with
natural wood ; and in many places,
there are feveral thriving plantations.
Caftle-milk, the relidence of Robertfon
Lidderdale, Efq. is one of the moft de-
lightful and romantic fituations that
can well be conceived, furrounded
with extenfive and highly ornamented
pleafure grounds. In 1792, the po-
pulation was 640; increafe 159 fince
MUNGO (St.) ; a fmall ifland in
Loch Linnhe, with the ruins of a cha-
pel, dedicated to the faint whofe name
is given to the ifland. Round tbe cha-
pel is a church-yard, in which many
of the neighbouring diftrict bury their
Mungo (St.); a hill in Aberdeen-
fhire, in the parifh of Huntly ; noted
for the volcanic appearances which
are obferved on its fides and fummit.
Vide Huntly.
Murray Frith. Vide Moray
MUSSELBURGH; a confiderable
fea-port town in the county of Mid-
Lothian, feated at the mouth of the
river RJl x in, the parifh of Invereft;.>

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