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Gazetteer of Scotland

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(285) [Page 243] -
and, from that period to the prefcnt,
particularly for the laft 40 years, it has
been in a rapid ftate of improvement :
it is now almoit wholly rebuilt, and
its limits are yearly extending on
every fide. The principal manufac-
tures are of hemp and flax ; the cot-
ton and woollen manufactures have
alio made their way here, and there
are feveral tan-works, brick-works,
and chandleries carried on. The har-
bour is fafe and commodious, allow-
ing veflels of 200 ton's to unload at
the quay, and vell'els of 500 tons can
ride at fafety in the Frith, within a
mile of the town. The fhips which
chiefly in carrying to London the
produce of the falmon fifhery of the
Nefs, and the flans of otters, roes, &c.
caught in that neighbourhood. Thefe
veflels bring back, in return, materials
for ufe and luxury ; particularly hard-
ware and haberdafliery, to fupply that
extenfive diftrict, of which Invernefs
is the capital, the communication with
which is facilitated by the excellent
military roads which go in every di-
rection from this point. Invernefs
has a great air of elegance, and has
more trade and money than could be
expected in fo remote a part of the
ifland ; it has feveral good fchool
of 250 feet above the level of the ri-
ver. Near this mount is t lie hill of
Grwig-phatric, celebrated for the re-
mains of a vitrified fort; (vide Craig-
phatric.) Eelides that remnant of
antiquity, there are fome cairns, and
a druidical temple. A few years ago,
on the weftern extremity of a hill o-
verlooking the town, were the rum,-;
of one of Oliver Cromwell's forts,* and
of a caftle, fuppofed to have been built
by Malcolm Canmore : but thefe havp
been razed to the foundations, and
the ground cultivated. Of the caftles
of Macbeth, and, of the Cummings,
which flood in this diftrict, nothing
belong to Invernefs, are employed but rubbifli now remains. Cullederi
mi/ir, fo fatal to the hopes and pro-
jects of the Stuart family, lies a few
miles S. E. of Invernefs ; and near it
is Culloien-boufe, the feat of the For-
beses of Culloden, where Charles lodg-
ed the evening before the engagement.
For an account of the principal lake
and river, vide Ness (Loch and R.i-
ver). In 1 791, the population, as
returned to Sir John Sinclair, was
INVERSNAID; a place in the
parish of Euchannan, in Stirlingfhire,
where barracks were erected, and fol-
diers ftationed about the beginning of
the 17th century, to repreis the de-
nd the academy before mentioned, j predations of thofe freebooters, par..
tfrablifhed on the moft liberal plan
refembles an univeriity in every thing
but the name. In 1798, the popula-
tion w r as eftimated at not lefs than
8000. The pariih of Invernefs is 10
miles in length, and %\ in breadth.
The general appearance is varied,
ticularly the clan of Macgregors, who,
at that time, infefted the country.
The barracks are full in repair, and
a guard is regularly mounted by a
detached party of foldiers from lum?
INVERUGIE ; a final! village in
part being fiat, and part hilly, rocky, ! the parifh of St. Fergus, Aberdeen-
and mountainous ; it is unequally di- fhire, feated on the Ugie, where th It
vided into two parts by the lake and I river difcharges i.tfelf into '.he ocean,
river Nefs : there is no natural wood, There is a confiderable bleach field for
but there are feveral extenfive planta-
tions : one proprietor had planted in
J 793» 155000 foreft trees of different
thread ; and a porter and beer brewery
has been for fome time carried on -to a
great extent. Near it are the ruins of
kinds, and 4,000,000 of firs : many j In^'erugie-caJIle, where the celebrated
acres have been lately improved, and I Field-Marfhal Keith was born.
the greater part of the arable land is
of a light loam, exceedingly fertile.
Near the town, on the W. fide, is Tom-
va-beurich, "the hill of fairies," a beau-
tiful infumted hill covered with trees;
it is of a lingular fhape, nearly refem-
bling a fhip with her keel uppermoft ;
its bafe is a parallelogram, the length
INVERURY; an ancient royal
burgh in Aberdeenlhire, feated on the
point of land formed by the conflu-
ence of the Don and Ury. It is a fmall
town, and its increafe and improve-
ment have been much retarded by its
htuation, being inaccefiible on all (idts
but one, except with boats, and even
or which is 1 984, and the breadth 176 that mode was often impracticable,
feer, from Yriiidi it rifes to the height from land floods : this obftacle is
« II h

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