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Gazetteer of Scotland

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(97) [Page 55] -
broad. It is good for pafture ; and
the inhabitants are nearly 400 in num-
ber, whofe chief employment is fiihing.
BUTE ; an ifland in the Fritn of
Clyde, feparated from Cowal. a dif-
tnct of Argyllihire, by a narrow chan-
nel. It feems to have been very anci-
ently known by this name ; it extends
in length about 18 miles, and from 4
to 5 in breadth. The northern parts
of the ifland are rocky and barren, but
the fouthern extremity is more fertile
well cultivated, and enclofed. This
ifland, conjoined with the ifiands Ar-
ran, Greater and Lejfer Cumbray, and
Incbr.iamock, form a county under
the name of the fhire of Bute. This
fhire, and that of Caithnefs, fend a
member to parliament alternately. It
has one royal borough, Rotbefay, which
is alfo the chief town of the fhire. The
ifland of Bute contains two parifhes.
The coaft is rocky, but indented with
feveral very fafe harbours, from which
are annually fitted out a number of
bujj't's for the herring fifhery. This is
the principal trade carried on, and of-
ten caufes confiderable detriment and
neglect to agriculture. The climate,
though damp is mild and temperate ;
and the foil is favourable for agricul-
ture, if it were fuffieiently attended to.
There are feveral remains of antiquity
#n the ifland; in particular, near Rothe-
fay, the ruins of an ancient cattle, with
a fort, barracks, and draw-bridge,
which was formerly the refidence of
the kings of Scotland. There are alfo
feveral Dani fli towers. Bute gives title
of Marquis to a branch of the family
of Stewart, who is proprietor of the
greateft part cf the ifland. The Mar-
quis is admiral of the county, by vir-
tue of a commiffion from his majefty,
and is no way dependent on the Lord
High Admiral of Scotland ; fo that in
any maritime cafe, (even as in high a
crime as murder or piracy,) that occurs
within this jurisdiction, his Lordihip is
fufficient judge, or may delegate his
authority to deputies. Mount Stuart, a
feat of his lordfhip, and from whence
he takes his fecond title, is an elegant
houfe, fituated about 200 yards from
the E. fhore, having a fine view of the
Frith of Clyde, and of the fhipping
which enter that river. There is a fo-
reft of fine trees round the houfe ; and
the natural beauties of the place have
been much increafed by the tafte of the
noble owner. Freeftone of a reddifh
colour abounds in the ifland, and lime*
i ftcne is met with in every part of it=
I Coal has never been difcovered, though
there are many flattering Symptoms of
' the exiftence of that mineral. Popu-
lation of the whole ifland in 1791,
I 6470-
CAAF ; a Small rivulet in Ayrfhire,
which takes its rife in the high
fnuir grounds, feveral miles above the
village of Dairy, and after a courfe of
10 or ia miles, falls into the river
Garnock, near its confluence with the
CABRACH ; a parifh in the coun-
ty of Banff, extending in length 5
miles, and in breadth about 3. Its
Surface is mountainous, and more a-
dapted for pafture than cultivation :
indeed, very fmall fpots are under
crop ; no more corn being attempted
to be raifed than is abfolutely neceflary
for the fupply of the inhabitants. The
Jieveron and the Fid die b are the rivers
}n the parifli. The mountains So a-
bound with game, that the Duke of
Q ordon has lately built a fmall hunt-
ing feat in the neighbourhood. Lime-
ftone is found in moft parts of the pa-
rifh, which they burn with peat mofs.
There is a hill which affords a light
gray flate. The Summers in this dif-
trici: are very pleafant, but the winters
are long and fevere. Population in
1792, 700.
CADDER, or CALDER ; a parifh
in the county of Lanark. It extends
13 miles in length from E. to W. and
between 3 and 4 miles in breadth.
The whole face of the country is ge-
nerally level, with the exception of 3.
fmall eminences, which do not deferve
the name of hills. The foil varies from

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