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Gazetteer of Scotland

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alfo a fine feat in the parifli. Popula-
tion in 1794, uai. Vide Appendix
for that 'of 1801.
ALVA. This little parifli or barony,
although furrounded with the county
of Clackmannan, is in fact annexed to
the county of Stirling. It extends
over a part of the Ochill hills, and the
valley on the banks of the river Devon.
The higheft of the Ochill hills, Ben-
clock, which is about 2420 feet above
the level of the Devon, is partly in this
pariih. The fides of the hills are clothed
vvith the richeft verdure, and afford
pafture to a confiderable number of
iheep. The arable foil is various,
part being a rich mould with gravel,
part clay, and part haugh lands, liable
to be overflowed by the Devon. The
lairds of Alva have of late years made
out fome young plantations of trees,
which are very thriving. This parifh
has been diftinguiihed for the great
variety of minerals with which it
abounds. A very valuable vein of
filver ore was wrought fome time ago ;
and filver to the value of 40,0001. or
5o,oool. was computed to be raifed.
13efides the ore, which was exceedingly
rich, confiderable quantities of native
malleable filver has been dug out.
Cobalt, arfenic, lead, copper, and iron,
have alfo been difcovered at the foot
of the hills. Extenfive veins of coal
are now begun to be wrought. There
has been earned on for more than a
century, in the village of Alva, a ma-
nufactory of coarfe ferges and Scots
blankets. In 1791, the population
was 612. Vide Appendix for that of
ALVAH. This parifh is fituated in
the county of Banff. Its length is
about 6 miles, and its greateft breadth
the fame. The river Deveron divides
the parifli in two parts, winding at the
bottom of a beautiful valley. At one
part the river is contracted, having on
each fide rugged precipices, about 50
feet deep. The fcenery, which is na-
turally picuirefque, is greatly em bel-
lifhed by the proprietor the Earl of
Fife. The foil on the fides of the
river is fertile, but fubjecb to frequent
inundations. As we recede, the fur-
face becomes hilly and barren. The
hill of Alvah riles majeftically to a
confiderable height, ferving as a land
mark to mariners. Agriculture is very
little attended to, and enclofures are
few. The roads are bad. Here arc
the ruins of a caftle and chapel, faid
to be built by an Earl of Buchan.
Population in 179.?, 1070. Vide Ap-
pendix for that of 1801.
ALVES ; a parifh in the county of
Moray, containing nearly 21 fquare
miles. The furface is agreeably un-
even, and the plantations lately made
out by tke Earl of Moray, will foon in-
creafe its beauty. The foil is very fer-
tile, being moftly clay and loam. It is
well cultivated, and is well adapted to
the culture of wheat. The road from
Elgin to Forres paffes through the pa-
rifh. The parifh had once abundance
of peat mofs ; but it is ail exhaufted,
and the inhabitants are obliged to pur-
chafe coals. There are feveral inex-
hauftibie quarries of freeftone, fit ei-
ther for building or millftones. There
is a very large cairn in the parifli, near
which fome Lochaber axes and other
weapons were lately found. Popula-
tion in 1793, mi. Vide Appendix
for that of 1801.
ALVIE ; a parifli in the county of
Inyernefs, of a very irregular fliape.
The inhabited part of it extends along
the banks of the Spey and Feffie ; taken
altogether, about 16 miles in length,
and from 3 to 2 in breadth ; but the
mountainous part extends much far-
ther. The hills are very lofty, and
either barren rocks, or covered with
heath. The interjacent valleys afford
excellent pafture. The lower or ara-
ble foil is light and dry, upon a gra-
velly bottom, yielding in fhowery fea-
fons luxuriant crops. There is a final!
lake, which with the other rivers, con-
tain trout ; and the Spey contains
falmon. The great military road to
Fort George from the fouth paffes
through the pariih. Here is an arti-
ficial cave, 60 feet long, 9 broad, and
7 high. It is covered with large flat
ftanes. Some tumuli are alio found.
Population in 1793, ion. Vide Ap-
pendix for that of 1801.
ALYTH. The pariih of Alyth is fi-
tuated in the county of Perth, on the
north fide of the valley of Strathmore.
It lies on the north bank of the Ifla,
which abounds with trout. The
part of the parifli along the Ifla is
flat and fertile ; towards the north it
is more hilly. The mountains, which
are fituated in this parifh, are covered
with verdure, and afford pafture to a

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