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Membership Cards
20. Membership cards will be sent out to all members with the
Year Book. (Effective 1964.)
21. The Officers of the Association shall be a President and a number
of Vice-Presidents. The President shall be elected by vote at an Annual
General Meeting and shall hold office for three years, after which he
shall be eligible for re-election. Vice-Presidents shall be ex-Chairmen
of the Association, and shall hold office indefinitely.
22. The affairs of the Association shall be directed by a Council of a
Chairman and ten members, appointed as follows:
Chairman Appointed by the President in conjunction
with the Adjutant-General.
(b) Vice-Chairman Elected annually at the A.G.M.
(c) Technical Adviser Appointed annually by the remainder of
the Council.
Honorary Treasurer
the Director of the A.S.C.B.
the Chairman of the B.A.O.R.
Ski Association.
(f) Six members Elected annually at the A.G.M.
23. The Council shall be empowered to fill any vacancies among its
members which arise during the course of the year.
24. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman and four voting members
shall form a quorum at Council meetings.
25. Any member of Council may if he so wishes appoint a proxy
to speak and vote for him at Council meetings; and the Council
shall have the power to co-opt up to two additional members, but
such additional members may not vote. The Chairman, or in his
absence the Vice-Chairman, shall have a vote, and in the event of a
tie a casting vote also.
26. To assist them with their duties the Council shall appoint an
Editor of the Year Book, a Ski-mountaineering Adviser and a Secretary
and staff as necessary.
27. The policy as laid down from time to time by the Council shall
be implemented through the medium of executive committees, whose
general responsibilities and composition shall be as follows:
(a) Finance and General Purposes Committee.
General administra-
tion, rules, grants, investments, estimates, publications, pub-
licity, co-ordination of work of committees. Chairman: Vice-
Chairman. Members: Treasurer and at least one other person
appointed by the committee chairman. In addition, members
will be co-opted by the committee chairman to consider
problems which affect them (e.g. when considering publications,
the Editor will be co-opted to this committee). Secretary: the