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of P.T. or in a Command. Only under exceptional circumstances will
consideration be given to the award of a certificate to an individual
who has not attended one of the Army R. and J. official courses.
Qualification for Referee Class
Any registered qualified Judge of Sergeant rank of above, in any
arm of the Service who fulfils the following conditions may obtain
a Referee Class III Certificate.
(i) As a general guide he must have officiated as a qualified
registered judge for one season, but at not less than six tourna-
recommended from a practical point of view by the Com-
mand Referees and Judges Committee.
(iii) Successfully passed a written examination on the Rules of
Boxing set by the Army Referees and Judges Association.
On fulfilling these conditions the Army B.A. Referees and Judges
Association will issue him with a Referee Class III Certificate.
Qualification for Class
Any registered qualified Class III Referee who fulfills the following
conditions may obtain a Class II Referees Certificate.
(i) As a general guide, has completed two seasons as a Class III
recommended by the Command R. and J. Sub-Committee
who will make a practical assessment of his capabilities before
doing so.
(e) Qualification to Class I.
Any registered qualified Class II Referee who fulfills the following
conditions may obtain the Class I Certificate.
(i) As a general guide, has completed two seasons as a Class II
(ii) Be recommended by the Command R. and J. Sub-Committee.
(iii) Satisfies the Army
B.A. R.
and J. Association who will make
a practical and written assessment of his capabilities.
6. Classification of Referees for Competitions, etc.
The classification of Referees is designed to ensure that no Referee
officiates at a competition etc., for which he may not have had the
requisite amount of training or experience. No Referee, therefore,
must be appointed to officiate at meetings, etc., above the various
grades of boxing given below unless exceptional circumstances make
this necessary.
Class I All grades of boxing from unit to international level.
II All grades of boxing, but excluding the following:
International Matches.