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that the dives are described correctly and that the tariff value is
correctly stated.
(b) When the competition takes place, announce each diver, give
the correct description of the dive to be performed, including the
position, and, for Highboard Dives, the type of take-off, i.e.,
Running or Standing, and then signal, preferably by whistle,
that the judges are ready and the diver may commence.
(c) When a dive is completed give the signal for the Judges to
show their marks
The Referee then reads out the
points awarded by each judge. He should read them always in the
same order. The Recorders enter the points on the individual
Recording Sheet, total them and multiply by the Degree of Difficulty
shown (using the Ready Reckoner at the back of the A.S.A. " Manual
of Diving. ") and tell the Referee the result. The Referee then
announces this figure. He should also give the running total for
each competitor when they have all performed each dive.
(d) At the end of the contest the Referee should check the
Recording Sheets to ensure that the final result announced is correct.
Notes for Judges
In accordance with International Regulations points should be
awarded as follows :—
Completely failed .. o*
Unsatisfactory J-2
Deficient .. 2
Satisfactory 5-6
Good 6�-8
Very good 8�-Io
By the performance of a different dive to that announced.
When judging a dive, only the dive is to be considered without
regard to the approach to the starting position.
The points to be considered are:
The run.
The take-off.
The technique and grace of the dive during the passage
through the air.
The entry into the water.
If a diver executes a dive other than that announced the dive
must be awarded o points, but dives of the same number are to be
considered as the same dive, and if a dive is executed in a position
(a), (b)
or (c) other than that announced the dive shall be treated
as unsatisfactory and only - to 2 points may be awarded.
If a diver performing a handstand loses his balance and makes
a second attempt he shall receive 2 points less than if he had obtained
his balance at the first attempt.
This deduction shall be made by the Referee and not by the
Judges, and shall be announced by him. If the second attempt to
obtain a balance is unsuccessful the Referee shall declare it as a
" failed dive."
Officials are advised to study the current issue of the A.S.A.
`` Manual on Diving " which gives full details of their duties.