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attained and the diver will not be able to check any spin which may
In running dives the " run " consists of a
of three
walking or gliding paces, exclusive of the final or "hurdle" step.
The " hurdle " step should be high and not too long and the diver
should alight on the end of the board, so that the balls of the feet
touch before the heels.
On the actual take-off the greatest possible use should be made
of the ankles and arm swing in order to get the most out of the
board and obtain as much height as possible.
Position of the Body in Flight
There are three positions in which the body may be held in the
flight through the air:
(a) Straight.
The body must not be bent either at the knees or
hips, the arms must be straight, the feet together and the toes
(b) Piked.
The body must be bent at the hips, but the legs must
be kept straight at the knees and the toes pointed.
(c) With Tuck.
The whole body is bunched up with the knees
together and the toes pointed. In this " balled-up " position the
tuck must be as tight and compact as possible.
The position of the arms is left to the choice of the diver, except
that in the case of the Forward Dive Straight, the arms must be
stretched out sideways in line with the shoulders during the flight
through the air i.e., in the " Swallow " position. The arms must
be kept still until just before the entry into the water, when they
must be brought together rapidly and extended beyond the head in
line with the body. During the flight the body is controlled by
the movements of the head, arms and shoulders.
Entry into the Water
In all cases the entry into the water must be as near the vertical
as possible. For " head first " entries the arms must be stretched
beyond the head, the body must be straight and the toes must be
pointed. In a " feet first " entry the arms must be at the sides, with
head erect and chest lifted. If the arms are held beyond the head
in a feet first entry the dive is not considered satisfactory. The
highest award for such a dive in a competition would be 4' points.
The dives which may be performed from springboards have been
divided into five groups as follows :
Group I.
Group II.
Group III.
Group IV.
Forward dives from a forward take-off.
(The Forward Group.)
Backward dives from a backward take-off.
(The Backward Group.)
Backward dives from a forward take-off.
(The Reverse Group.)
Forward dives from a backward take-off.
(The Inward Group.)