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Any club shall have the right to make nominations for the
offices of President, Vice-Presidents and Hon. Treasurer. Such
nominations can only be made from those on the Committee (prior
consent of nominee having been obtained in writing) and must reach
the Secretary of the Union by April ist.
There shall be sent to each club not later than April 15th in
each year a list of the Committee at that date, together with the
Committee's nomination of Officers for the ensuing year, and all
other nominations received under Bye-Law
If, after the issue of the notice and before the Annual General
Meeting, an Officer nominated as above become unable to serve,
the Committee shall have the power to submit another name for
the consideration of the Meeting.
The election of Officers shall take place at each Annual
General Meeting, and be decided by a majority of votes recorded.
If the Honorary Treasurer be elected from the elected represent-
atives, his,representation shall become void and the Constituent Body
concerned shall elect another representative to fill the vacancy.
Such election shall be made within thirty days of the Annual General
Meeting ; if not, the Committee shall fill the vacancy.
18. No Bye-law or Rule as to Professionalism shall be altered,
rescinded or added to without a majority of at least two-thirds of
votes recorded at a General Meeting. Any alterations in the Rules
as to Professionalism shall be notified to the other Unions in mem-
bership with the International Rugby Football Board forthwith.
Every proposal by a Club or the Committee of the Union for the
alteration or rescission o£, or for an addition to, the Laws of the
Game, shall be submitted to a General Meeting, and if approved
by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes recorded thereat
shall be forwarded to the International Rugby Football Board for
its consideration. No alteration in the Laws of the Game shall
become operative until adopted by the said Board.
Notice of any proposed alteration in the Bye-laws, the Laws
of the Game, the Rules as to Professionalism or of any other motion
to be submitted to the meeting, together with the names of the
proposing and seconding clubs, shall be given in writing to the
Secretary of the Union not later than MARCH i5th, and a copy
of such notice shall be sent to each club not later than APRIL 15th.
Notice of any amendment to such proposed alteration or motion
must be in writing signed by an authorised official of each of the
clubs proposing or seconding such amendment, and shall reach
the Secretary of the Union by MAY 31st. After that date, notice
of the Annual General Meeting, a list of the nominations for
Officers and a copy of the Agenda shall be sent to
club not later
than two weeks prior to the date of such meeting.
Special General Meetings
The Committee may convene a Special General Meeting at
any time, and shall do so on receiving a requisition to that effect
signed by the Secretaries of not less, than one hundred clubs