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45• Before the toss for innings, the umpires shall acquaint
themselves with any special regulations, and shall agree with both
any other conditions affecting the conduct of the match ;
shall satisfy themselves that the wickets are properly pitched ; and
shall agree between themselves on the watch or clock to be followed
during play.
i. Apart from " Special Regulations "
see Law io, Note i),
conditions of play within the framework of the Laws are frequently
necessary, e.g., Hours of play, Intervals, etc.
z. The captains are entitled to know which clock or watch will be
followed during play.
46. Before and during a match the umpires shall ensure that the
conduct of the game and the implements used are strictly in accord-
ance with the Laws ; they are the sole judges of fair and unfair play,
and the final judges of the fitness of the ground, the weather and the
light for play in the event of the decision being left to them ; all
disputes shall be determined by them, and if they disagree the actual
state of things shall continue. The umpires shall change ends after
each side has had one innings.
i. An umpire should stand where he can best see any act upon
which his decision may be required. Subject to this over-riding
consideration the umpire at the bowler's end should stand where
he does not interfere with either the bowler's run up or the striker's
view. If the other umpire wishes to stand on the off instead of the
leg side of the pitch, he should obtain the permission of the captain
of the fielding side and inform the batsman.
z. The umpires must not allow the attitude of the players or
spectators to influence their decisions under the Laws.
3. A code of signals for umpires is laid down in the Notes to
the relevant Laws ; but an umpire must call as well as signal, if
necessary, to inform the players and scorers.
4. Fair and Unfair Play.
(i) The umpires are entitled to intervene without appeal in the
case of unfair play, but should not otherwise interfere with
the progress of the game, except as required to do so by the
(ii) In the event of a player failing to comply with the instruc-
tions of an umpire or criticising his decisions, the umpires
should in the first place request the captains to take action,
and if this proves ineffective, report the incident forthwith
to the executives of the teams taking part in the match.
(iii) It is illegal for a player to lift the seam of the ball in order
to obtain a better hold. In such a case the umpire will,
if necessary, change the ball for one which has had similar
wear, and will warn the captain that the practice is unfair.