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suspension of play for any reason, ordered by the officials.
During the last three minutes of play of the second half
and during all extra periods, the game watch shall be stopped
every time the Officials blow their whistles.
Whenever a team is in possession of the ball, its coach has
the right to ask for a charged time-out. He shall do so by going in
person to the Scorer's table and asking clearly for " Time Out " and
making the proper conventional sign with his hands. Electric devices
enabling Coaches to request " time-out " without leaving their places
may be used. (However, such devices may not, under any circumstances,
be used to request a substitution). The Scorer, after having assured
himself that the team in question really is in control
the ball, shall
indicate to the Officials this request for a charged time-out by sounding
his gong once. The Officials shall indicate with their whistle that
the game is stopped. All regulations concerning the end of playing
time (see
and 68) will be applied to this situation.
57. Charged Time-out
Section 9. A Time-out shall be charged to a team for each minute
or fraction of a minute consumed under
(d), (e)
or (f )
of Section 8
of this rule.
No time-out is charged if an injured player or
disqualified player, or a player who has committed his fifth personal
foul is replaced one minute ; or if in
(f) the injured player is ready to play immediately ; or if in
the Officials permit delay such as that caused by an untied
shoe lace.
58. Time In
Section io. After time has been out, the game watch shall be
started when the Official signals time-in. If Official neglects to
signal, the Timekeeper is authorised to start the watch unless an
Official specifically signals continued time-out.
If play is resumed by a jump, the watch shall be started as
the ball reaches its highest point.
(b) If a free throw is not successful and ball is to continue in play,
the watch shall be started when it is apparent the throw will
not be successful.
(c) If play is resumed by a throw-in from out of bounds, the
watch shall be started when the ball touches a player in the
59. Legal Charged Time-out.
Two charged time-outs may be granted to each
team during each half of playing time, and one charged time-out
for each extra period.
60. How Play
is Resumed
After a time-out or after the ball has become
dead for any other reason and if no situation in
or (c) of this
section is involved, ball is put in play as follows: If a team had
control of the ball, any player o£ that team designated by the Captain