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is correctly marked, finishing posts are in the right place, starts
and relay take-overs are clearly set out, equipment is available for
all events when required, and in particular that the track and centre
of the ground are kept clear. One or two assistants should be
Marksmen are under the orders of the Starter
and must see that runners get to their appropriate marks promptly
and watch that no runner starts in a wrong heat or places his hands
or feet in front of his starting " mark." A competitor missing his
heat must not run in another heat, and a heat for late arrivals must
not be made up.
(n) Chief Steward.
This is a very important post which requires
someone who has organising ability. He is responsible for seeing
that competitors are at the appropriate starting points five minutes
before the starting time. Field events competitors should be ready
five to ten minutes before the time of the Event. The Chief Steward
should report to the Chief Marksman or Starter and to the Field
Events Judges which competitors are ready and those who have
not drawn their numbers. In second rounds and finals he should
have enquiries made for missing competitors. If he does not ensure
that competitors are ready to time the programme will obviously be
Competitors' Steward. Two
are required to assist in warning
competitors in the dressing rooms when they are required, to hand
over competitors to the Chief Steward and to ascertain from the
Number Stewards which competitors have not drawn their numbers.
They must see that competitors are wearing their proper numbers
and are properly dressed.
Number Stewards. Two
are required and may need extra
assistance just before the Meeting begins to give out competitor's
numbers. They should cross through on a programme each com-
petitor's name as he draws his number.
(q) Programme Steward.
One Chief Steward or the Treasurer
should be responsible for keeping a record of the number of pro-
grammes issued to stewards and seeing that the right money is
handed in with unsold copies. It is recommended that sales of
programmes, collection of cash, and general distribution should
be entrusted to a Chief Programme Steward.
(r) Prize Steward. As
the trophies and prizes will be on exhibition
in a prominent position he should act as custodian to avoid loss,
and at the presentation hand the correct prize to the person making
the distribution.
Enclosure Stewards.
Usually two stewards are required to
stand at the entrance from the stand or ground to the centre of the
track. They must allow only officials wearing badges and competitors
due for their events to go on the centre of the ground, and must
ensure that no one crosses the track while competitors in a race are
approaching the entrance. A clear " centre " is an indication of
their efficient co-operation with the Clerk of the Course.