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Minor exceptions to the rules laid down in Sections I and II,
as above, may be made by the Associations concerned, provided the
A.S.C.B. is informed.
(E) The following Rules are applicable only to the Association
or Union concerned :
entries. A Unit may enter more than one team.
teams must include at least three Other Ranks.
(F) Where the former unit (e.g. Parachute Regiment) is NOT his
parent unit, and where there is no good reason to believe that he will
rejoin the former unit on the conclusion ,of his course or tour of duty
at the School or Establishment, the individual will compete for his
parent unit. Should more than one unit of his Regiment or Corps
be stationed in the same country, the case will be referred to the
Army Sport Control Board for their decision.
Problems arising from the re-organization of the Army.
(i) In cases where two units, who are due to amalgamate during
the course of a competition, wish to enter before amalgamation
as one combined team :
Application to do so must be submitted to A.S.C.B., stating
the present
strengths of each unit and any information on
plans for the " run-down." Such applications must be for ALL
games, and each case will be judged on its merits.
(ii) In cases where one unit is absorbing another, or is being
absorbed by another, in the course of a competition, and both units
wish to enter before amalgamation under their original titles
When absorption takes place : '
(a) If both units are still in the competition : The unit under
its new title continues in the competition as ONE team,
and all personnel are eligible to play.
(b) If one unit is still in the competition, and the other has
been knocked out : The unit, under its new title, continues
in the competition, but personnel who have played for the
defeated unit in any round of the competition are ineligible
to play.
(c) If both units have been knocked out : No action necessary.
(H) Any question NOT covered by these Rules should, in the
first instance, be submitted to the Association or Union concerned
for approval, if necessary, by A.S.C.B.