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League game is played, shall not be considered disqualified under
the professional rules from playing Rugby Union football.
A National Rugby Union may delegate to recognised govern-
ing bodies, such as H.M. Armed Forces, counties, union of counties
and universities, powers to act for it in such cases and under such
regulations as it may determine. All powers so delegated, and the
bodies to whom such delegation be made, shall be published
annually in the official guide of this Union.
Any club, member or player affected by any decision given
by H.M. Armed Forces, a county, union of counties or university,
under delegation of powers contained in Rule
may appeal direct
to this Union; such appeal must be made within io days, and must
be accompanied by a deposit of
and a written statement of the
grounds of appeal. After any such appeal this Union may return
such deposit, wholly or in part, and may order the expenses of such
enquiry, of club and members implicated and of witnesses to be paid
as it may determine.
Where the word Union is used in these rules, the Committee
of this Union for the time being shall be understood, and, in the
delegation of powers, the Committee of the recognised governing
body shall be understood. In case any difference of opinion arises
as to the meaning of any of these rules, such meaning shall be
decided by the Committee of this Union, or if it occurs at a General
Meeting by the Chairman thereof ; any such decision shall be
entered in the minutes, and shall be accepted as the true meaning
until otherwise interpreted by a two-thirds majority at a General
Meeting of this Union after due notice has been given.
Reference Rule io above, the signing.
any Rugby League
form, either Amateur or Professional, under any circumstances what-
ever, or playing with or against any Rugby League Club, whether
Amateur or Professional, immediately disqualifies and expels any Army
(or other Rugby Union) player from all Rugby Union football.
The Rugby Union will entertain no appeal whatever against this
Referees and their Expenses
In no case shall a Referee be paid more than reasonable and
actual out-of-pocket expenses, which must be detailed, and any
application for or offer of more. than such expenses must be reported
by the person receiving the application or offer to the Rugby Union.
Instructions re Insurance of Players against Accidents
To be applied in conjunction with Rule 5 (Rules as to
Professionalism) on page 665.
A Club or other organisation (hereinafter described as Club)
may arrange to pay compensation for loss of income and/or medical
expenses arising out of injuries incurred at practice or in matches
during the season, either through :
A. A recognised Insurance Company.
B. A Society specially constituted for the purpose, the rules
of which have been approved by this Union.
C. A fund contributed by the players, or jointly contributed