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play the ball, or
obstruct an opponent in any way, or
(c) approach or wilfully remain within ten yards of an
opponent waiting for the ball.
It is illegal for any player to shout " all-on-side," or words to
that effect, when any member of his team is off-side.
—Penalty kick awarded at the place of infringement, or
at the option of the non-offending team, a scrummage at the place
where the ball was last played by the offending team. If such latter
place is in-goal, the scrummage shall be formed five yards from the
goal line on a line through the place parallel to the touch lines.
When a penalty kick is awarded for illegally shouting from in touch
the kick shall be awarded ten yards from the touch line, on a line
through the place parallel to the goal lines.
When an off-side player is unable to avoid being touched by the
ball, or by a player carrying it, he shall be deemed to be " acciden-
tally off-side " and a scrummage shall be formed at the place where
he was so touched.
While a scrummage is forming or is taking place, a player is
off-side if
he enters a scrummage from his opponents' side, or
being in front of the ball and not in the scrummage he
fails to retire behind the ball without delay, or
(c) not being in the scrummage, he advances either foot in
front of the ball in the scrummage.
player is not in a scrummage unless he is binding with either arm
a player of his own team in the scrummage.
Penalty kick awarded at the place of infringement.
(3) While a line-out is taking place in accordance with Law
a player is off-side if
before the ball has touched a player or the ground he
wilfully remains or advances with either foot in front
of a line at right angles to the touch line through the place
where the ball went into touch, unless he advances
solely in the act of jumping for the ball, or
after the ball has touched a player or the ground he, not
being in possession of the ball, advances with either
foot in front of the bale unless he is lawfully tackling or
attempting to tackle an opponent who is participating
in the line-out.
It is not intended that a player before throwing in the ball should be
obliged to wait until players
his own team have returned to or behind
the line-out, and the player is not to be deemed as wilfully remaining
under Law 18 (3) (a) provided he so returns without delay.
—Penalty kick awarded at the place of infringement
or ten yards from the touch line on a line at right angles to the touch
line through the place where the ball went into touch, which ever is
the farther distance from the touch line.
LAW ig
—A player who is off-side under Law
(i) becomes on-side.