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mitted complete. Points will be awarded for turnout on parade but
will only count in the case' of a dead-heat.
(f) The four members of a Patrol will start, pass through Con-
trols, approach and leave firing points together and finish within
secs. of each other. They may assist each other in any way
but may not accept outsjde assistance.
(g) A Patrol wishing to overtake another will call " track." The
team which is in front must then clear the track immediately unless
it is able to outdistance the following Patrol without in any way
hindering it. A Patrol calling " track " must have its four members
closed up. A Patrol refusing to clear the track when called upon will
be disqualified.
(h) On the firing point allotted to his Patrol the Patrol Leader,
after inspecting each rifle, and not before, will order his Patrol into
firing positions and will engage with a separate fire order each
target in turn by each of the three members of his Patrol. No one
may fire at more than one target.
soon as the first target has been
hit or three rounds expended the Patrol Leader will order the next
man to engage the next target, the first man to ease springs, and
likewise the third man. No man may fire without an order from
his Patrol Leader. Reserve ammunition will be available at the
firing point in case of misfires.
(i) Every hit will be compensated by a deduction from the total
race time i.e. :
A hit with the first shot izo seconds.
A hit with the second shot 8o seconds.
A hit with the third shot 40 seconds.
No hits No points.
The total of minutes resulting will be deducted from the total
race time.
(j) Falling or balloon targets (approximately
cros. diameter)
will be used and the range will be approximately
(k) The use of rifle slings and telescopic sights for firing and
artificial aids (other than wax) for climbing, is forbidden.
(1) The time taken by the Patrol will be that recorded for the
last member to finish. Should one member of a Patrol fail to finish
the Patrol will be disqualified.
Practice over the race-course is forbidden and will mean
disqualification. The Patrol may, however, be , shown over the
course prior to the race under the supervision of an official.
(n) Replacement in the Patrol may be made only up to the time
of the inspection prior to the start.
(o) In the case of an accident to one member of a Patrol the
Patrol will finish the race, reporting the location of the accident at
the next control. Times will be taken in case other Patrols have
similar accidents, otherwise the Patrol will be disqualified under
Rule (1) above.
9. (a) Protests against a competitor's qualifications must be made
in writing to the Referee before the start of the race concerned.