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In the absence of the Chairman, the senior Officer will take the
chair. Four members shall form a quorum at an Executive Com-
mittee Meeting. The Chairman has power to call Executive Com-
mittee Meetings as and when required, and to co-opt any member
of the General Committee.
7. Management
(a) The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the
Association and have full power and "uncontrolled authority over
the use, disposition and investment of all funds and shall execute
all powers and functions not exclusively conferred upon the General
Committee or specified in the Rules of the Association.
(b) A Sub-Committee of the Executive, composed of the Chair-
man, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer, with power to co-opt
any members of the Executive or General Committees, shall be
allowed to decide any technical question not necessitating an altera-
tion of the rules or policy of the Army Boxing Association.
8. Imperial Services Boxing Association
The Army B.A. is affiliated to the I.S.B.A., which is the con-
trolling body for
the regular forces of the Army, Navy and Air
Force. The three " special " rules of this Association (see Section
II, I.S.B.A. Rules) shall be strictly adhered to in every meeting
held or organised by any unit or branch of the Army Boxing Associa-
9. Suspension of Boxers
The rules as regards the suspension of boxers for unsportman-
like behaviour are contained in I.S.B.A. rule 49 (23) Note (f). All
reports shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Army Boxing Association.
1®. Command Branches
There shall be a Command Boxing Association or Committee in
each Command and Independent District, whose duty shall be :
(a) To ensure that the rules and aims of the Army B.A. are main-
tained in the Command.
(b) To assist in the formation of garrison or station boxing
committees where necessary.
(c) To organise and run the Command stage, or elimination of
Army competitions, when required.
(d) To organise or encourage garrisons and stations to organise
team matches, i.e., inter-regimental matches or matches
between teams from the Army and local Naval or Air Force
teams, and open competitions and matches with civilian
(e) To organise Command inter-unit team championships either
for novices or open competitions.
(f ) To keep a list of qualified officials in. the Command, and to
assist units as far as possible by arranging for Referees and
Judges to officiate at boxing meetings.