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(ii) Actually name an offender who breaks, and when warning
him ensure that he understands you must disqualify him
next time.
(iii) Don't warn competitors to strip until you have ensured
that the Judges are ready.
(iv) Never allow a competitor to go straight to his marks after
(v) Remember unless a competitor is motionless on his marks
he is making a false start by either " rocking " or " creeping."
Starter's Kit.
A Starter should provide himself with the fol-
lowing kit :
Pistol, automatic, or some similar weapon. An ordinary
.38 or .45 Service revolver is quite suitable, but should be
fired " cocked " to minimise the possibility of delay between
the Starter's brain giving the order to fire and the actual
If a single action weapon is used, a second one should be
carried for recall purposes.
(ii) Ammunition.
(iii) Whistle, to be blown before the start of each race, to com-
municate your state of preparedness to the Judges and to
ascertain their readiness to begin.
(iv) A set of numbered " Lots," to be used by the runners to
draw for positions.
(h) Timekeepers.
These officials should be chosen with care. It
means a great deal to a runner to have his time recorded with
accuracy and not to be credited with a time far above his capabilities.
There are a few points about Timekeepers which should be
(i) There should, if possible, be three of them.
(ii) Timekeepers must start the watches on the flash of the pistol
(which the Starter should hold in the air) and not wait for the
(iii) They must line up in line with the winning posts, preferably
all on one side, opposite to the judges and must watch the.
tape and line.
(iv) Having stopped a watch at the conclusion of a race, a Time-
keeper should- never return it to zero until he has shown it to
the Referee.
Take-over judges (Team Events only).
The efficiency with
which the various teams of Take-over Judges at each Take-over
Area in relay races function has an important bearing on the satis-
factory functioning of the Meeting.
Each team should work under the instructions of the senior judge
at the Take-over. He will allot the Judges (usually one per team)
to their tasks.
He should obtain the draw for places from the Starter before
going to his area and must ensure that. all competitors are ready
in their lanes (not necessarily stripped till the Starter's whistle)
before signalling to the Referee by disc or other method.