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Through the Green
5. " Through the Green " is the whole of the Course except the
Teeing Ground (Definition 4), the Putting Green (Definition io)
and Hazards (Definition 6).
6. A " Hazard " is any bunker, water (except " casual water
ditch, sand or road. Sand blown on to the grass, or sprinkled on the
Course for its preservation, bare patches, scrapes, tracks and paths,
snow, ice and casual water are not Hazards.
A " bunker " is that part of a depression in the ground where the
soil is exposed, and sometimes covered with sand. Grass in a bunker
is not part of the Hazard, unless so defined by Local Rule.
It is the duty of the authorities in charge of a Course accurately
to define the extent of the Hazards.
Casual Water
7. " Casual Water " is any temporary accumulation of water which
is not one of the ordinary and recognised Hazards of the Course.
Out of Bounds
8. " Out of Bounds " is ground on which play is prohibited, but
it does not include ground under repair.
Ball, When Out of Bounds
9. A ball is " out of bounds " when the greater part of it lies
outside the Course.
Putting Green
io. The " Putting Green " is all ground, except Hazards, within
twenty yards of the hole being played.
i i. The hole shall be
ins. in diameter and at least 4 ins. deep.
If a metal lining be used, it shall be sunk below the lip of the hole,
and its outer diameter shall not exceed 44 ins.
Loose Impediments
The term " loose impediments " denotes any obstructions not
fixed or growing, and includes dung, worm-casts, mole-hills, snow
and ice.
13. A " stroke " is the forward movement of the club made with
the intention of striking the ball.
Penalty Stroke
4. A " penalty stroke " is a stroke added to the score of a side
under certain rules, and does not affect the rotation of play.